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When students are studying at school there are many reasons why students need to transfer schools. A transfer application is an application used for the purpose of submitting to the administrator, school board or other authority for consideration and approval of a student's transfer.

The place of school will be closely related to the place of residence, so every time you move, parents will have to change schools for their children. Or realizing that the current school environment is not suitable, many parents also ask to transfer schools for their children. Regardless of the purpose or reason for the transfer, a proper transfer application is required.

Let's find out with Giaiphapdonggoi.net about the primary school transfer application form!

1. What is a transfer application?

A transfer application is a type of application used for the purpose of submitting to the administrator, school board or other authority for consideration and approval of a student's transfer.

Writing a transfer application is a way to help students as well as parents to fulfill their desire to transfer to another school as desired.

Đơn xin chuyển trường là gì?

What is a transfer application?

Not all cases where parents and students want to transfer schools when applying are accepted. Applications will be accepted only when the reasons stated in the application are valid and fully meet the school's regulations regarding transfer.

The approval of the transfer application will be the basis for the School Board to consider and decide whether to allow the student to transfer or not. The transfer application is currently being used for all levels of education from preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school.

The object of writing a transfer application is usually a student or a student's parent, and the main party to receive the application is the school administrator who has the authority to receive the application. Normally, the student's parents will be the representative to submit the application to the school administration. The management board will consider and discuss with each other to come to the final step to realize the aspirations of students and parents.

2. What are the documents required to apply for a school transfer?

When applying for a transfer, the transfer file is very important and is of interest to many students and parents. When transferring schools, you need to prepare a set of documents including:

Hồ sơ xin chuyển trường bao gồm những giấy tờ gì?

What documents are required to apply for a transfer?

Application for transfer of schools as prescribed.
Possess a notarized or authenticated copy of the diploma at all levels; For example, for high school students who want to transfer schools, they need a primary and secondary school diploma.
Certified copy of student's birth certificate.
Letter of recommendation for transfer from the Principal of the transfer school.
Household registration book or temporary residence certificate issued by a competent authority.
Student transcripts.
Above are the necessary documents when students or parents transfer schools for their children. Depending on the grade level of the student, different documents may be required according to the regulations of the school you are transferring to as well as the school to which you are transferring.

3. Procedures for transferring schools

After preparing all the necessary documents as mentioned above, students and parents will carry out the transfer procedures as follows:

Thủ tục chuyển trường

Procedures for transferring schools

Step 1: The student or the student's parent writes a transfer application and sends it to the school administration or the department that has the authority to receive the file.

Step 2: After receiving the application, the competent department will consider and process the application and schedule a specific date to return the transfer document to the student for follow-up procedures.

If the student meets the requirements set forth by the school, the application will be accepted by the administrator and the results will include a confirmation in the application for the student's consent to transfer, a letter of recommendation from the school administration. school administrator, the student's transcript, the transcript if the student transfers during the school year.

Step 3: After the transfer application is accepted, the student or parent will bring the above documents to submit at the transfer school.

In case of transferring schools in the same district, same province or city, the place to receive and consider the transfer dossier is the school's principal.
In case of applying to transfer to another province or city, if it is a secondary school, the education and training department is the place to receive the transfer documents of the student. If it is a high school level, the place to receive and consider transfer applications is the Department of Education and Training.
Thus, no matter what grade the student is in, the transfer procedure will be done according to the above steps and the transfer will be done after the end of the semester or the end of the school year and the beginning of the new semester.

As for other exceptions, it will be up to the student's reason for the transfer to be considered.

4. Application form for elementary school transfer

The current primary school transfer application form is prescribed in Circular 28/2020, a circular of the Ministry of Education and Training.

Mẫu đơn xin chuyển trường tiểu học

Application form for elementary school transfer

Accordingly, the national title, slogan, and single name are indispensable content.
Dear section will include

m the principal of the school you are transferring from and the principal of the school you are transferring to.
The information of the parent writing the application includes full name, address, phone number, is the student's parent, needs to include the student's full name, date of birth, student, grade, and school where he/she is transferring to to write the application. It is clear which district belongs to which province.
For information about year-end academic results, please specify the name of the school, district, province and state the reason for applying for transfer.
Finally, the applicant signs and consults with the transfer and transfer schools.
Thus, when writing an application to transfer schools for elementary students, it is necessary to use the correct form and fill in all the information according to the instructions.

Hopefully, through the content of this article, Giaiphapdonggoi.net has provided readers with the necessary information about the school transfer application, the necessary documents and procedures when transferring schools, and some information.

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