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If you've decided to leave your job, you'll want to notify your employer professionally. There are many reasons to decide to leave a job such as wanting to spend time with family or taking a position at another company. In this article, we cover what you need to know about resignation letters and how to write them, along with templates to help you write your own depending on your situation. Let's find out about the resignation letter form with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!
1. What is a resignation letter?

What is a resignation letter?

A resignation letter is a formal document documenting your termination of your employment with an organization. This document is usually requested after you indicate your decision to leave in person or by email.

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2. Basic information about resignation letter

Basic information about resignation letter

It's best to speak to your manager directly before submitting your resignation, whether it's in person, video chat, or over the phone as a sign of respect. It is also a matter of professional courtesy to submit a resignation letter following this conversation to provide your company's human resources department with a record of your statement and your manager's related operational information. regarding your departure.

Typically, a resignation letter includes the following information:

Resignation from the company
Day of the last working day
Statement of Gratitude
Next steps and other important information
3. What not to include in your resignation letter
Regardless of your reason for leaving, communicate your decision to your employer in a positive and respectful manner. As a professional document, your resignation letter should not include complaints about the company, your manager, or colleagues. To keep it professional, include only the information listed above and use a positive tone or factual issue throughout.

4. How to write a resignation letter
Writing a resignation letter can be a simple process if you follow a few key steps. Before writing a letter, consult your immediate supervisor or human resources manager to follow any procedures your company has in place regarding resignations. For example, they may ask you for specific information or send your letter to certain people at the company.

To write a resignation letter, include the following information in the following order:

Start with the introduction and the resignation announcement

If you're sending a hard copy of the letter, use a standard business letter format with your date and contact information at the top of the page — if you're sending an email, this information isn't necessary. Introduce your letter with a formal greeting, addressing the recipient by name, and if you prefer, use a casual greeting like “Dear [Name ] ” or “Hello [ Name ] .”

Next, make it clear that you are writing to submit a formal resignation letter to the company and include your last date of employment. While two weeks' notice is standard, your company may have specific instructions regarding your last working day. After receiving this information, list the day and day of the week of your last day at work.



Please accept this as my official resignation as senior graphic designer at XYZ Company. My last day will be Friday, June 28, two weeks from today.

Include a statement of gratitude

It is always a good career decision to keep your professional relationships positive. Write a sentence or two explaining what you are grateful for about your time at the company that will help promote a peaceful transition.


I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from the best and grow as a designer. I will always cherish the experience I have had working with you and the team.

Conclude with next steps and conclusion

List any important information recipients need to know about your conversion. These details can be discussed with your manager ahead of time. However, if you're not sure what your transition responsibilities are, just add that you're willing to do whatever you can to make the transition as smooth as possible. This type of gesture is often appreciated.

End with a departure statement like “Sincerely” or “Thank you” and your name.


In an effort to make this transition as smooth as possible, I plan to complete my final design project by June 20 and delegate all other responsibilities to the team members. consistent with your consent. I wish you, the team and the company m

all good things.

Thank you for everything,


5. Tips for writing a resignation letter

Tips for writing a resignation letter

Here are a few tips you can use to make your resignation as effective as possible:

Keep it positive. Regardless of the reason for your resignation, the tone of this letter should be positive - aim to part ways on good terms and maintain your professional network. Above all, don't use your resignation letter to vent your frustrations.
Send your letter to the place. If possible, you can send your resignation letter directly to your manager. If you are resigning in hard copy, be sure to include the date at the top of the letter. You can also send an email right after a meeting with your manager. Use a clear and direct subject line, such as: Resign - [Your Name].
Consider networking opportunities. Include language that encourages your manager to continue the professional relationship after you leave the company. Example: “I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to stay in touch to continue learning from you and share any industry insights I have that you may find helpful. In the future, please contact me at [your personal email address]. "
If necessary, keep it brief. If you're leaving the company for sensitive reasons and don't want to provide optional details, simply include your resignation statement, your last date at the company, and a statement like "I wish the company every success." merit in future endeavors."
Plan an immediate departure. In certain situations, your employer may ask you to leave on the day you resign. If you leave to find a new job that doesn't start in a few weeks, this could mean you won't get paid for that period. If this situation applies to you, pay attention to what happens when others resign and plan accordingly as you determine your start date in a new job.
Follow your manager's instructions for the next steps. After you submit your formal resignation, your manager may ask you to make a transition plan, complete certain projects, or write a goodbye letter to your coworker.
Above is some information about the resignation letter that Giaiphapdonggoi.net we provide you. Hope the above information helps you to write the perfect application.

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