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When a business transaction takes place between two parties, an official document is often used as a reference to their agreement and as a guarantee of that transaction. This is where a sample quote comes by agreement. Quotes reflect estimated costs, terms of agreements and warranties. Let's join Giaiphapdonggoi.net to find out a beautiful quotation sheet!

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1. What is the price list?

Quotation or quotation form is an important document used in business. You will prepare the form to show all the pricing details of the services you provide. It may also contain a breakdown of the work you will do for your client.

What is a price list?

Quotation form is a common form of the Company / Enterprise to send to customers the price list of goods, quantity, technical requirements, units of calculation, construction cost ... so that customers understand how to pay. maths. details of the company's products and services.

Creating a form or quote form is the first step when making a deal. This is especially true for those involved in sales. You need to create a good Excel quote template because it can ruin or break your deal.

This is why you need to prepare your documents carefully. It should contain all the details as well as competitive prices for your customers to consider.

When creating this document, you need to pay attention to all the contents. This is because it will reveal your professionalism. The material must appeal to your potential customers so that they want to make a purchase with you.

Each company will have a different quote in terms of form and arrangement. Having a nice and clean quote form is a huge plus for customers.

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2. Common types of quotation templates

A quote template can literally make or break a business deal. It can give your customers the information they need to learn more about your business. You can create different types of templates for your quote forms.

No matter what model you make, you must create it accurately and thoughtfully.

Creating quote formats involves a lot of thought. You may need to practice a few times before you can come up with a really good pattern. That's why it's also important to learn about the different types.

You will find that there are many possibilities for citation. Before you start creating your Excel quote template, consider the different types:

Basic Quotation Form

Furniture quote form

Material quotation form

3. Difference between Invoice Template and Quotation

Quote and invoice are almost the same, save for a few small changes. For example, some labels are changed from "quote" to "invoice", as the case may be. In some cases, a discount line is added. Most companies use the same quote form for their invoices, to keep things consistent.

Difference between Invoice Template and Quotation

When changing from quote to invoice, the 'notes' area is changed to 'terms', with a line that the customer can sign to accept the quoted price. However, signature lines can be removed and companies easily add unique terms and conditions.

4. Print and send quotes

Most quotation-related interactions happen via email, where the customer receives a PDF version of the quote. It is important that you do not send the client the Excel/Sheet file used to generate the quote. You can use editable citation template, then generate PDF output and submit only that template.

If you use our estimate generator,  you can easily save your quote as a PDF. If you prefer to use the citation templates provided here, both Google Sheets and later versions of Excel allow you to 'export' or 'download as' PDF.

Our online templates make it easy for small businesses to send invoices and quotes. You'll find easy-to-use templates that will give the smallest company a polished, professional look.

It's best to submit an estimate as soon as possible. A customer who is asking for prices can ask from different suppliers at the same time. If you provide your quote ASAP then you won't miss your window and you'll show that you know what you're doing.

Use our mobile app to help you submit estimates on the go. You'll be able to save frequently used items to save time. The mobile app and the generator automatically sync with each other. That way, you'll have all your quotes on screen when you arrive at the office.

Above, Giaiphapdonggoi.net has provided information about the price list as well as a beautiful quotation form. Hope this information will help your business.

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