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An internship CV focuses on your transferable skills, education and other abilities rather than your work experience. It can be difficult to write, as without extensive work, it can be difficult to know what to include on your CV. Let's find out about CVs for internships with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

1. Contact Information

Contact Info

Start with your name. Obviously you wouldn't start with someone else's name. Start with your name and leave your contact details below. Your email address and phone number are enough. Don't write your CV as your CV title. Your name should be in the title, with contact details below and your home address. You should include your address so the employer knows how far you are from their office.

2. Write an internship CV objective for students

Write an internship CV objective for students

Every good CV has an attractive point. Job seekers have a variety of options when it comes to writing their CV introduction. But for students applying for internships, CV targeting is often the best opportunity because it allows them to target applications directly at a specific company. A CV objective is not a statement that tells an employer what you want. The goal of an objective on your internship CV is to highlight your willingness to learn and apply the skills you've cultivated at school to their open internship position.

As a student, your CV objective should show your personality traits, relevant skills and abilities.

3. Fill in the education section with additional details
For job seekers with work experience, the CV information section will usually be located near the bottom of their CV and only include basic information.

However, since you're writing a student CV for an internship, your academic experience may outweigh your relevant work experience at this point in your life.

Fill out the education section with additional details

The education section of your internship CV should state the following:

Grade Point Average: Include a hard earned grade point average (say it's 3.5 or higher) for a manager you can trust to work on product quality on deadline a.
Relevant course content: Listing relevant course content helps employers better understand your existing knowledge and skills. Remember to only list classes relevant to the internship you are applying for.
Trophies & Awards: Adding academically relevant awards shows hiring managers that other professionals have recognized your hard work and achievements in the past. For example, you can include Dean's list on your CV if you've made it multiple times.
Extracurricular Activities: Include extracurricular activities on your CV such as clubs and sports that demonstrate additional skills you may have, like leadership and communication.
Details about your education should be the focus of a student's internship CV. Because you lack professional experience, fill out your education section with as much information as possible related to the internship you want.

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4. Previous work / work experience

Previous job/work experience

When describing any previous job or work experience, you need to list your key responsibilities.

It's a simple method to highlight to employers what you can bring to a role. In this section, you give evidence of those skills.

You should also make sure that you include a start and end date for each task. Just let the employer know that you don't have three jobs along the way.

5. Highlight some hard and soft skills
Your internship CV should have a well-balanced resume skills section. During your time as a student (whether studying or joining a club), you may have built a range of hard and soft skills tailored to make you a better internship candidate.

Highlight some hard and soft skills

Hard skills are often learned in the classroom, while soft skills are more related to your personality.

Some people try to put their key skills and talents on the resume section. A better way to do that is to put together a bulleted list, highlighting your individual strengths and skills.

You should focus on the skills all employers are looking for, such as:

Good written and verbal communication

6. References

Select People who know you. If an employer contacts this person and they have never heard of you.

Employers often ask you to provide two references. You should choose someone you know academically, perhaps a teacher, and someone you have worked with, a manager or senior colleague. Your mother will not be enough, no matter how much she provides a reference.


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