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Along with IQ is the EQ index, as well as IQ emotional index EQ is considered an important indicator for a person's success in the future. So what is the role of the emotional index in our daily lives?

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1. What is Emotional Quotient (EQ)?

Emotional intelligence (EQ - Emotional Quotient) is the ability to identify and adjust your emotions in a positive way. Emotional intelligence is a broad definition that covers everything related to human emotions, from how they react to the world around them and the situations that occur in their daily lives. related to emotions.


2. What is an emotionally intelligent person?

Just like IQ, emotional quotient EQ is also revealed to the outside through emotions, expressions and how they react to actions occurring in daily life. A person with a high emotional EQ usually has the following symptoms:
Self-awareness: is the ability to recognize and know what you are thinking about yourself, but how emotions can affect others when your actions stem from the emotions that arise at the time. .
Self-mastery: a person who knows how to adjust his or her behavior and words before speaking. They are less likely to hurt or use words that hurt others. Or can understand the category is to think carefully before speaking or raising a problem.


- Social competence: formed in daily communication, is the way they behave and listen to others and understand others. Build good relationships as well as being loved by others
Empathy is the way people listen and share a problem with others. From there, it shows understanding for other people's problems when they share them with you
Self-motivation is the basic expression of EQ, it helps people to have positive thoughts and work enthusiastically.

3. The effects of emotional intelligence on people

Expressions of emotional intelligence can influence people's behavior in this society. So before what it shows, what impact does emotional intelligence have on people, whether this has a positive or negative impact. There is no denying that IQ can help you achieve certain successes. However, a person with only intelligent intelligence without emotional intelligence will find it difficult to do as many things as others.

The roles that emotional intelligence plays in your life:
+ Improve performance: EQ helps you handle and overcome conflicts in the working environment. From there, you can run your business and do your job well. Work efficiency has also been greatly increased since then.
+ Enhance physical health: Emotional intelligence helps people have more positive thoughts. Balancing your emotional indicators helps you feel more comfortable. We can function in a day with more positive energy.

+ Expanding social relationships:  Emotional index gives us more understanding and empathy for others. Through that, we can learn, share as well as have a stronger emotional attachment with people around.
+ Regulate and control your behavior and emotions: Emotions and emotional personal actions can be the killer of many things. From love, work and many different things. Therefore, balancing IQ is a modern weapon to help you attract more people.

The above sharing about  emotional intelligence EQ  helps us have a more multidimensional view of emotional intelligence. The balance between emotional intelligence and intelligent intelligence needs to go through many processes and practice in practice. Let's increase our emotional intelligence the way we change our intelligence! In addition, if you have any questions, you can leave us via hotline 0911 904968

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