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QA is an acronym that each of us has heard a lot. However, very few people can fully understand the meaning and function of QA. So, in today's article, Giaiphapdonggoi.net will answer your questions about what is QA's job?

1. What is QA?

QA (Quality Assurance) is a person whose task is to monitor and ensure the quality of the company's work in a systematic and organized manner. Simply put, the person who directly supervises the work of the company so that all activities are carried out according to a certain process.
The purpose of monitoring helps the company or business achieve work efficiency, maximize the use of resources and limit risks and excess costs on unnecessary activities.


The concept of QA

2. What does QA's work include?

As the definition of a QA, many people will think that QA will take care of a lot of work because they have to manage a lot of other people's work. However, in reality, a QA only takes care of certain jobs in the enterprise, specifically as follows:
+ Is the person who makes suggestions, gives specific development plans (development process) for each specific project of the company with different nature. A QA is responsible for drafting an action plan for that project and controlling to ensure that the project goes according to a pre-planned process.
+ Provide relevant documents, instructions, and support for the purpose of ensuring the quality of the product, the progress of the project to all parts of the product development team, the project team. sentence
+ Being the person who directly inspects and controls the implementation of the stages of the initial project processes.
+ Implement work reminders of departments according to procedures and report back to superiors when necessary
+ Adjusting the plan and flexibly taking place in accordance with each specific period and situation
>> The jobs seem simple but require workers to have experience and professional skills suitable to the requirements of the specific job.

Jobs a QA undertakes

3. What skills does it take to become a QA?


Meticulous, careful

This is probably the most important skill that a QA needs to have is the ability to observe, pay attention to every little detail. Because the nature of the job always requires QA people to carefully observe and carefully plan each specific activity. Any work must be limited and almost free of any errors.

Have patience
Because of the nature of the job, monitoring others. In an organization, QA can meet a lot of people with different personalities and interests. Therefore, to work with them, you need to train yourself to be patient at work, endure and deal with all situations that arise.
Good communicated ability

It is obvious when you have to interact and work with so many people. Of course, you need to have good communication skills to be able to work and manage others.

Always learning, exploring the unknown

With the market growing and changing constantly, learning is never too much. For each person knowledge is limitless and you need to learn more new things to update the general development of the world.

Effective time management
Like any job, you need to know how to organize your time effectively. Balance the work together so that every stage goes smoothly, bringing the highest efficiency.


Skills required for a QA

Learn to admit your mistakes
Acknowledging mistakes will create conditions for you to grow more. From our mistakes, we can learn from them and fix them better the next time we do them. Being honest about it helps to improve your work efficiency very quickly.
The above article has helped us answer questions about QA. A seemingly simple job but requires study and research to be able to take on this position. If you still have any questions, please leave us via hotline 0911 904 968!

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