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The experience of opening a cafe promises to be an attractive thing for young people starting a business. Coffee is a product close to the majority of consumers, easy to access. Therefore, more and more business enthusiasts have started with this nut.
The experiences of opening a cafe bring high income for a start-up
Business has never been easy. Having to take care of many factors at the same time makes many businessmen also have a headache with their own brainchild. Those who have just invited to start a business are even more difficult when they are just starting to enter this environment. Let's start with the sharing about experience opening a cafe first! Giaiphapdong.net will share with you the things to pay attention to when trading in this item and field.

1. Future potential of opening a cafe business

Up to the present time, we can observe that around us, there are hundreds of coffee shops that are clearly sprouting up. So it proves that the business of opening a cafe is no longer something far away for most people. For startups, when they are just starting out, they will face many difficulties like with such a market, our market competitors will certainly increase many times. Creating the advantages of  differentiation  compared to those competitors is also quite a difficult thing for the shop owners.

In addition, opening a cafe is not low for beginners to have experience in planning to do business because the market is a battle. When you are not fully prepared, you will definitely get injured. Therefore, cultivating more knowledge, skills about business is the minimum thing a person starting a business needs to do first.
The business of opening a cafe has been, is and will be very hot in the near future. Bringing high profits and easier contact with customers, it is promised that in the near future opening a cafe business will be a new trend that more young people are engaged in.

2. Summary of lessons learned opening a "lifetime" cafe of a Gen Z

Doing business requires spending a considerable amount of money to invest in all facilities, physical equipment and human resources. It can be said that every move in business must be calculated very carefully. By the wrong glass can lead to bankruptcy in business. Let's find out 5 bloody lessons to keep in mind when opening a cafe!


Find a space to build a shop
We are not superstitious but in this case believing in feng shui has never harmed anyone. Because an ideal place to stop for your shop will determine your future business days. Investigate the surrounding environment carefully to choose the right wharf for your pretty little shop!

Smart staff selection
The girls and boys who serve are always typical of cafes. When opening a cafe, you need to hire staff. Tips to hire people who are really diligent, hardworking and honest!

Unique decoration will attract more eyes
Of course, people are often fascinated by beauty. Giving your cafe a unique decoration style will help customers have an impressive view of your shop. In addition, with today's young people gen Z, they want to find a cafe to check in and the impressive images of the cafe will definitely be a huge plus in the eyes of customers.

Prepare a plan for activity
Draw up a plan for all of your business activities. Drafting a plan helps you to recognize the gaps in your business, so that you can easily fix them in the most timely manner without terrible consequences.


Investment in development for advertising is a smart investment
If you want people to know about your brand, you must constantly make efforts to advertise to many people. Many young startups now regret money when investing in advertising. However, what we want to share with you is that investing in advertising is never a loss investment, this is the smartest type of investment that large businesses and corporations have made very well. Why not let this apply to your start-up cafe!

3. Business opening a cafe should start from where to be successful

Are you really into the business of opening a cafe? Starting a business from where now? How? This will probably be the question of many people when starting a business. However, let's learn the following steps to properly open a cafe

First, you must love as well as have basic knowledge about the coffee business and products being sold
Second, the owner needs to have an understanding of the tools used to make coffee for guests
Learn more methods and tips for making a unique cup of coffee man

Address: Giang Dien Industrial Park, Trang Bom Dist., Dong Nai Town

P: 0911 904 968 | Tel: 025 1224 7968 | Fax: 025 1224 7968

E-mail: giaiphapdonggoi.net@gmail.com