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The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential, and that way you can prepare your answers in advance and feel confident in your answers when the pressure comes on. get a raise. In the following article, let's find out common job interview questions and answers you need to know to ensure your next interview is a success.

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1. Introduce yourself

Introduce yourself

This is usually the first of many interview questions. Many candidates choose to answer with an overview of their work and work history. While this is helpful - especially if the manager hasn't read your CV in detail, it's important that you provide new information, such as what your interests outside of work are. It is also easy to fall into the trap of wandering. Other candidates like to focus on a key aspect of their career, building a story around it with performance highlights. It's important to make sure your answers match the job description to demonstrate how you can add value to the company and your current role.

2. What attracted you to our company?

This is your chance to prove that you've done your research. Before your interview, read all you can about the company from their own website, social media channels, and other articles and forums. Identify what stands out about the company's mission and values and how that resonates with your desired career path and personal values.

3. Tell me about your strengths

Tell me about your strengths

This is the easiest question to prepare. Identify your two or three best attributes and give specific examples of those strengths, outlining how they lead to your career success. Be sure to close the loop and articulate how they relate to the job you're interviewing for.

For this question, you must prepare well and remember to stick to the job you are applying for. State the points you are really strong and effective you will bring to the job above, and don't forget the examples that you have done in the previous job.

4. What is your weakness?

Take the time to craft an answer that isn't cliché. Nothing makes a hiring manager shrink more than the answer, "I'm a perfectionist." This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate self-awareness and a desire to develop yourself. Try to identify something that is not important to the role and direct your answer in a positive direction.

When you're faced with this question, don't immediately list a bunch of your weaknesses, nor can you claim that you don't have one. The best way to deal with it is to have some weaknesses prepared, but hide your strengths in them. For example: I am a forgetful person, so I often have to organize my detailed work schedule and paste it in front of my desk. Or I'm not good at speaking, so sometimes being honest is too offensive.

=> Your smart answer will help turn a weakness into a strength.

5. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Your employer wants to see how goal-oriented and goal-oriented you are. They also want to check that your expectations are realistic. In your answer, show your awareness of industry trends and flexibility.

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6. Why should we hire you?

Why should we hire you?

If you come across an interviewer with personality, they will ask you the same challenging question as above. Please answer on the aspects that you need the right job and the company also needs the right person. But be careful not to compare yourself to anyone else.

7. What is the most important thing you are looking for in your next role?

Start with your skills. Identify the skill in which you excel and talk about how you are looking for a role that will utilize and further develop that skill. You should also explain your motivation and how this role can help you achieve your long-term goals. Always make sure that your answer is relevant to the company and role in question.

8. Why did you leave your current job?

Why are you leaving your current job?

It is important to frame your answer in a positive way. Never say anything negative about the current employer

your present, no matter how intense your feelings about leaving. Instead, focus on the specific, positive things that a career change to a new role will bring, such as career growth opportunities or excitement about a new challenge.

Please give positive answers, for example: I want to pursue a new passion or a new opportunity… and especially emphasize in good words about that opportunity. Never speak ill of your former employer, your former boss, or disparage benefits… Whatever your reason for leaving, describe it in the most positive way possible.

9. What are your salary expectations?

Do your research first. Our salary guide can provide you with the latest salary trends and standards. If you have reasonable salary expectations in place, you and your employer will know right away whether you feel well-compensated for the role.

Example graduates applying for a PR role:

"As mentioned before, I've gained some really good experience working in the PR industry, I've made a lot of connections in the industry and I'm eager to engage with both new clients and clients. present.

For this reason, the salary that I think is right for me is £X. I feel that I can bring significant value to your team and with my hard-working personality I am confident. that I will excel in every challenge I face."

10. Do you have any questions for us?

Do you have any questions for us?

It is important to have a list of interview questions prepared in advance. Some of these questions may have already been answered during the interview, so check these as you move on, to avoid asking the same question twice.

You can ask questions about the salary, the company's salary period, about the insurance regimes, the working process, applying for leave, the company's work report, ...

You should also spend some time thinking up a list of interview questions to ask during the interview. It's important that you use the interview as an opportunity to find out if the role is right for you (and vice versa). Asking questions during the interview also shows your enthusiasm and readiness for the role.

When it comes to an interview, you can never over-prepared. Taking the time to carefully review your answers first will get you one step closer to securing that role.

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