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Exaggerating or worse, lying on your CV can damage your personal reputation, especially when caught by an employer. You always run the risk of being left out of the list of potential candidates for your dream position. There are many levels of "blame" in a CV, from harmless lies to outright lies. At any rate, it will give the employer a bad view of you. However, if you know how to "cut the wind" skillfully and subtly, everything will be different. Let's join Giaiphapdonggoi.net to learn about how to cut the wind in CV writing!

One of the reasons is that it is not always possible for the recruitment and human resources department to check the authenticity of all the information the candidate mentions in the CV. Even when contacting a candidate's information consultant, recruiters almost always receive the most basic content and often general comments, "pretty good" reviews. So, it's not impossible to "slash" in your CV, as long as you don't make it too obvious nor subtle like not having a 1 but saying 10.

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1. Need to study carefully, carefully

Whatever your goal, the truths or lies in your CV should be factual and well researched before you include them.

Careful research is required

Don't say things that are too strange or far-fetched. And remember, what you're doing is polishing your CV, not lying. In fact, this is the right thing to do. Use the right language to describe what you've accomplished and show your experience tactfully. This is much better than just listing your working history. Employers will not feel interested and even underestimate your abilities.

2. Things that should absolutely not be "hyped" in your CV

There are lies that are considered classics in CVs. Some employers will immediately notice this and question you while others will not.

Lie about work experience: Lying about work experience on your CV is something you should not do. Do not naively think that the employer will not be able to know if your information is correct or not. They have a lot of ways to find out if you are an honest person or a liar. In addition, lying about your work experience will cause the employer to misjudge you. As a result, during the trial period, you will not be able to complete the challenges due to your ability to pass. If it is under development, it is certain that you will be the one to face your business.

Cần phải nghiên cứu kỹ lưỡng, cẩn thận
Things that absolutely should not be "hyped" in CV

Lie about salary: One of the common tips is to add all the money you receive including salary, bonus, allowance, insurance, ... into one amount (Gross salary) and tell the employer. new that it is the Net salary. This way is quite risky because you will have to carefully calculate how your salary structure will be in case the employer questions or asks you to explain. If you do not calculate carefully, it is very easy to reveal that you are lying.
Lying about qualifications: It is also common to lie about your qualifications or omit a few details to give the impression that you have multiple degrees. Employers don't usually call to verify if you say you've graduated from the University or College they claim, unless it's a very distinguished, distinguished school. Many candidates are self-deprecating about their qualifications, causing them to falsify their CVs. They worry that if they give an intermediate or college degree, their CV will definitely fall right from the "sending car" round. However, you are wrong! Today, employers really don't care much about your qualifications, they care more about your ability to work. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity, confidently show your ability.
Lie about working hours: Many candidates lie about working hours to give the impression that they are still working or to pass up a period of unemployment. Employers are sure to question if you've been out of work for a long time or have been unemployed for a while. Lying will make you less suspicious, but it is very dangerous if the employer verifies the candidate's information. In this case, negotiate with your information verifier first, they will only provide the most basic or detailed information. From there, tailor the information that you will write on your CV.
Inflating the numbers: It is not uncommon to inflate numbers that show job performance, test scores or work ability. However, you should also not include excessively exaggerated numbers. For example, you are a car salesman and your highest achievement is 5 cars per month, you should only put the number 5 or maximum 7, 8 in your monthly CV will definitely make employers suspicious. .

Những điều tuyệt đối không nên "thổi phồng" trong CV
"Polish" the skill of

a friend: You should hone the skills on your CV. For example, if you have ever taken an online class on programming, you can say that you are proficient in different programming languages. If you have studied Japanese, you can confidently tell employers that you are fluent in the language. However, don't "slash" too much to the point of mastering a programming language while having no knowledge of technology.

3. Do well the assigned work

Làm tốt công việc được giao
Do the job well assigned

When you look at the CVs of famous people, you will see that people who know how to "polish" their CVs all have one thing in common - they have real work capacity. From CEOs of famous corporations to politicians, everyone must have lied once on their CV.

Sometimes, cleverly "cutting the wind" also helps turn disadvantages into advantages. Do you know Richard Li, Chairman and Founder of Pacific Century Cyberworks - a famous technology company in Hong Kong. His biggest weakness is not being able to graduate from University to get a degree. However, this is cleverly transformed into a passion for making money and a desire to contribute to the labor market. And who would argue this with a billionaire with a net worth of $4.6 billion.

When you have lied on your CV, the best thing you should do is quickly adapt to the working environment and complete all assigned tasks well if you do not want to be discovered. Many employers have found out their candidates lied at the start of the job, but the layoff didn't happen at all because the job was still well done, as required.

4. Avoid saying things you can't do

Tránh nói những điều bạn không thể làm
Avoid saying things you can't do

Talking about things you can't do would be a fatal mistake when writing a CV. That's when you don't meet the job requirements but claim to have the most important skills employers are looking for. At that time, you will definitely be exposed and fired is inevitable. You should also not talk about negative things that can affect the operation of the company if you do not want to get into legal problems.

"Slashing the wind" in your CV is something you shouldn't do. You are likely to be discovered, named and fired from the company. This is a rather risky choice and you will have to consider carefully, what information to choose, how to lie to be most trustworthy. Don't forget that employers need candidates with passion, enthusiasm and work ethic rather than work experience or specific skills.

If you simply want to join the company without regard to rank, it's best to be honest and show the employer how you are a good fit for the job. At the same time, it shows the determination to learn and strive. This is much better than lying on your CV and getting caught and fired.

Above is some information that Giaiphapdonggoi.net has provided to you about how to cut the wind in CV writing. The advice that Giaiphapdonggoi.net wants to give you is never to lower yourself to lie, it will harm your career a lot. In addition, it also affects your "brand" with employers. Be honest when looking for a job!

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