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Introduce yourself more than say your name. You will need to tell some more information about yourself in English. Introducing yourself to strangers can be difficult because what you say depends on the context (in a job interview, in an email or introducing yourself in an English class). If your goal is to speak English more fluently, you should develop a clear and concise self-introduction. Let's learn about how to introduce yourself in English with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. General tips when introducing yourself in English

The tips listed here should apply to almost any situation where you need to introduce yourself. We'll go into more detail later, but for now, let's focus on what you can do every time you need to introduce yourself to someone new:

Mẹo chung khi giới thiệu bản thân bằng tiếng Anh

General tips when introducing yourself in English

State who you are. Try not to mumble or else the person you're referring to may have to ask again and again and again and again until they just smile and nod without ever knowing your name.
Be friendly. In formal situations, you can also be friendly. Saying something like “Hi, I am…” with a smile says a lot about you. You appear confident and easy to talk to. If you're in a formal setting, you can say "Hi, I'm..." The bottom line is that you should introduce yourself in an approachable way. Very formal settings may require you to use 'proper' English but in most other areas it is fine to shorten words.
Know your audience. It doesn't matter if you're talking to one person or a thousand, knowing your audience is key. Obviously, if you're introducing yourself, you don't know the person, but from the context, you should get an idea of what they'll be like. Meeting parents for the first time probably isn't the best time to tell a joke as you introduce yourself, but meeting a friend of a friend at a bar can be. so.
If you're sitting when you first meet someone you're going to introduce yourself to, it's best to stand if possible. This is often seen as a polite thing to do, so it's a way you can use body language to impress the person you're introducing yourself to.

2. Advice for students in class

Introducing yourself to a class full of people is acknowledged by everyone to be everyone's worst nightmare. With that said, you can make things a lot easier by following these simple tips:

Cách giới thiệu bản thân trong cuộc phỏng vấn

Advice for students in class

Be prepared: Know that when you go into a new class, you're going to have to say something about yourself, but many of you don't want to. So before thinking about what you can say. Is there a reason for you to take the class? Is there a hobby you've always had that is related to class?
Smile: Everyone in the room is scared to introduce themselves, so smile and create a comfortable atmosphere for yourself, others will follow and smile.
Look around the room: Trust us, we know. We also like to keep our eyes on the floor when introducing ourselves to a class, but take a deep breath and try to lift your eyes and look around the room with faces watching you. This way, you've made yourself seem more confident. Speak clearly when you state your name, why you're there, and your interests, and people will feel like they know you a little better.

“Hi, I'm Jane. I’m taking this class because Art History has always been something I’ve been fascinated by, ever since I started taking trips to art galleries as a little girl, and I’m basically just excited to learn a little more.”

Simply saying something like this with a smile, will be all you need to recommend.

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3. How to introduce yourself in an interview
Most of what we've discussed has involved introducing yourself in a job interview, but here are a few additional tips:

A firm handshake as you walk into the room makes the interviewer think you're someone who needs to be taken seriously. Follow this with a friendly smile and state your name and you're off to a great start.
Listen! This is very important in interviews. The art of conversation lies mainly in the spaces between your speeches. Listen intently so you can answer the question directly. Also, listen so you can adapt. If you think you'll be the first to talk when you walk into the interview room, but they start talking first, let them. No one will think badly of you because you are smart said first, you will definitely look a lot worse if you talk about them all the time.

How to introduce yourself in an interview

In other words, they want you to tell a story involving your current circumstances, past experiences, and future plans - topics that require slightly more advanced grammar:

For several months now, I have been working on a project. Notice the verb form here; it is different from the previous phrase, I have worked. When talking about projects that you plan or hope to complete in the near future, you usually use Present perfect progressive: have been doing. (Learning English is also a project: I've been learning English since January.)
My passion for learning languages began 10 years ago, when I visited Japan. To tell a story, English speakers often use the Past Simple (as in visited). It is also good to provide detailed information about place and time, using ago to mark a specific time in the past like: a few weeks ago, five months ago.
I would like to become fluent in English so that I can attend university in Canada. When talking about your personal goals, you can use the Conditional: want form. This common phrase can be used to talk about any project or action you want to do in the future.

“Hi, I'm Jane Smith. I've always been passionate about Art, and I actually majored in Art History at college last year. Ever since, I've been pursuing my dream of becoming an Art handler so I can really work in an area I know a great deal about. So when I saw your job advertisement I couldn’t stop myself from applying.”

Here, you've introduced yourself clearly, told them exactly what your interests are, and sold yourself as the ideal person for the job.

Above is how to introduce yourself in English that we provide. Hope this information will help you in your work.

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