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Are you looking for ways to make money online to supplement your main income? Or do you want to work on your own requirements and go online full time because you are so tired of mulling 9 to 5? Whatever your reason, the good news is that there are many reliable techniques to start making money online in 2021. Let's explore some ways to make money online in detail in 2021!

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1. Start a blog

Blogging is one of the most popular ways to communicate online and can be used for money-making purposes.

Start a blog

Blogs are a useful tool for sharing important information and news with people with similar interests and relationships. And it also allows you to share your views on topics you're passionate about.

Your blog can be about anything - interior decoration, politics, business, management, app building or any other topic under the sun.

As long as you can write well on the topic at hand and understand what your audience wants to read, blogging can be a lucrative way to make money online.

How to start a blog and start making money

Here are the steps you need to take to set up your blog quickly:

Choose a niche that you are passionate about.
Choose the right blogging platform.
You will buy a domain name and web hosting.
Install the WordPress software.
Choose a theme and make design changes.
Start writing unique and useful content.
Optimize blog content for SEO.
Publish it.
There are many ways you can turn your blogging efforts into profit. Here are the 4 most popular ways to make money from blogging:

Affiliate Marketing
Sell ads
Sell digital products
Sell services online
Pros and cons of writing a blog


Low start-up costs.
The ability to reach a worldwide audience.
Great income opportunity, your blog is known by many people.

It takes time to generate a return on investment (ROI).
It will be very time consuming if you blog full time.

2. Build a niche website

Beautiful websites are another great venture that can be turned into a profitable business.

Build a niche website

If you've wanted to work at your own pace and enjoy more flexibility while making money online, try building a niche website. The site should be geared towards a micro-topic and target keywords that appeal to a very specific audience. That way, you get high-quality website traffic that converts into buyers, and if your site becomes popular, it can bring you a lot of money in the long run.

How to set up a niche website and make money

To launch a beautiful website, you need:

Choose a specific interest in which you are an expert.
Choose a domain name.
Find a hosting provider and set up your website.
Create and fill your website with content.
Optimize your website for search engines.
Launch the appropriate website.
Websites targeting certain niches can generate income through:

Affiliate programs (such as Amazon Associates).
Run display ads (such as Adsense and Ezoic).
Sell your own digital and physical products.
Pros and cons of niche sites


There is a lot of potential for growth.
Low start-up costs.
Less competition.

Take the time to grow your audience base.
Requires regular maintenance.

3. Start a YouTube channel

People around the world use YouTube to watch videos about education, entertainment, and more.

Start a YouTube channel

You can monetize this phenomenon by creating and publishing videos online. If you're passionate about a particular topic that benefits video, then you should start a YouTube channel.

How to start a YouTube channel and start making money

To create a channel on YouTube, you need:

Create an account on YouTube.
Activate your channel.
You will choose a profitable niche.
Complete channel description.
Insert your logo and necessary artwork.
Start creating videos.
Promote your channel beyond the YouTube app.
YouTube channels make money in the following ways:

Enable ads for your Youtube videos.
Promote affiliate products.
Channel membership fee.
Pros and cons of running a YouTube channel


No upfront costs.
Gain access to a vast audience base.
No technical skills required.

Take the time to get an audience for your channel.

4. Start a podcast

If you're gifted and aren't afraid to take the storm by storm about your interests, you should probably have her podcast

a alone.

Start a podcast

It is a very effective medium for hobbyists to share their interests and for business owners to create brand awareness and attract a large audience.

How to start a podcast and make money

Here are the steps you need to take to launch your podcast:

Choose your topic, name, and target audience.
Plan the format for each episode (duration, guests, calls).
Create artwork and write descriptions for podcasts.
Choose the right device for recording and editing podcasts.
Record and edit your audio files.
Find the right podcast hosting provider.
Publish it to podcast directories via an RSS feed.
Here are the best ways to monetize podcasts:

Selling advertising and sponsorship.
Ask your listeners to contribute.
Create paid membership content.
Pros and cons of podcasting


Provide access to a large audience.
Simple to create.
Consumption rate is higher than other means.

Takes time to create.
Requires patience to build an audience base.

5. Dropshipping business

With dropshipping, you can quickly sell products online without handling large inventory and inventory.

Dropshipping business

How to start a dropshipping business

Choose a niche or dropshipping business idea.
Conduct competitor analysis.
Find the right supplier for your requirements.
Build an online dropshipping store.
Advertise your store.

Sell products from any niche.
No inventory required.
Little or no upfront costs.

Expensive drop shipping.
Issues with suppliers such as incorrect inventory information.
Slow delivery.

6. Become an Instagram influencer

Famous Instagram influencers earn millions by creating promotional content for brands. Before you can get there, however, you'll have to start your Instagram page and profile, and then continue to build quality content that attracts followers.

Become an Instagram influencer

Once you've accumulated enough followers (at least a few thousand), brands will start to take an interest in what you can do for them.

How to become an Instagram influencer

First choose a niche that you are passionate about.
Create high quality and engaging Instagram posts.
Choose a consistent design theme.
Write a compelling biography.
Write captions that encapsulate your brand voice.
Select the appropriate hashtags.
Follow a consistent schedule for posting new content.
Interact with your followers on your page.
Reach brands that work in your niche.
Collaborate with other influencers.

Opportunity to work with high-margin brands.
Free products.
An opportunity to be able to inspire people.

It's a 24/7 job.
Huge efforts to get an audience.

7. Freelance

Freelancing gives you the opportunity to hone your skills and work in whatever field you are passionate about. This is a great way to make money on your terms.

Freelance work

How can I start freelancing?

Choose a niche.
Clarify the services you provide.
Identify your ideal customers.
Create a high-quality portfolio.
Build your credibility.
Set your price.
Plan the perfect pitch.
Start landing freelance gigs.

Flexible working hours.
Full control of your workload.
High potential to make a lot of money.

Highly competitive market.
Easily distracted and procrastinated.

8. Online flipping

This is when you buy things at an economical price and then sell them at a higher price for a profit.

Online flipping

How to flip stuff online

Choose a niche.
Find items for sale through auctions or online garage sales.
Look for unique or expensive items for sale.
Take pictures of the items.
Pricing items.
List items on online marketplaces.
Give a clear description of the item.
Includes shipping information.

Many types of niches to choose from.
Low upfront costs.
Flexible time.

Unstable income.
Requires effort and hard work.
9. Become a translator
Online translation has become a lucrative industry, especially as more and more businesses choose to go global with their products and services.

Become a translator

How to start becoming a translator

Accredited or certified in a specific language.
Take language proficiency tests.
Start practicing your skills as an interpreter.
Build an online presence.
Find platforms and communities that offer translation work.
Set your price.


Flexible work schedule.
No upfront investment required.
Low barrier to entry.

Unstable income.
Stressful deadlines.
Requires proficiency and in-depth knowledge of a language.
10. Become a virtual assistant
As a virtual assistant, your job is to provide online support to your customers. Businesses can also hire you to remotely provide customer service and follow-up.

Become a virtual assistant

How to become a virtual assistant

Identify the services you want to provide as a virtual assistant.
Set your price.
Create a website to boost your online presence.
Create an impressive CV that showcases your skills.
Start applying for virtual assistant jobs.

Complete freedom to set your own work schedule.
Set your own price.
No upfront costs.

You may be distracted.
No company pays incentives.
Work longer hours than usual to meet deadlines.
Above are some ways to make money online 2021 that Giaiphapdonggoi.net provides you. If you're ready to cash in on a side job or you've decided to leave your monotonous 9-to-5 job, you're in luck. Making money online in 2021 is even more exciting, thanks to the wide range of opportunities available and the flexibility that comes with them.

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