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Wanting to sell shopee effectively and become a favorite shop in addition to the product is rated well, how you pack the product, product packaging is an important step because it will determine the quality of the product. product when it is delivered to the customer. So how to properly and fully pack Shopee products, let's follow up with Giaiphapdonggoi.net in the article below!

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1. Things to note about packaging on Shopee

Notes when packing goods

When the shop owners receive orders on Shopee, the job you need to do is to carefully process and pack the goods, send the goods to the carrier. Each order must be carefully packed before the postman comes to pick it up. Some things to note for the packaging of goods on Shopee:

On the packaging of the parcels, it is mandatory to write all information about the recipient (name, address, phone number), the order's bill of lading code, the order number on shopee (optional).
Products and goods must be prepackaged because the post office only accepts and is responsible for shipping products that have been packed, pasted the bill of lading code on the package.
Shop owners should attach a financial invoice in the parcel to make it more convenient during the transportation of goods to avoid confiscation of goods by the market management agency and as a basis for determining the value of the product in the market. complaint case.
The freight unit can be inspected, unpacked if it is suspected that the seller sent prohibited products or may be in an empty box.

2. Standard procedure on how to pack different products

Depending on the type of product, there will be different packaging methods. Here is a guide to packing Shopee products according to some popular products:

2.1 Cosmetics, products in non-fragile bottles/jars
Step 1: Need to fix, cover the product lid with tape.

Step 2: Wrap the product with 2 layers of air-foil nylon before putting the product in the box.

Step 3: Around the box, use extra materials such as foam, paper, newspaper to ensure that the product is not bumped or moved during transportation.

2.2 Fragile, easy to deform, easy to open the box lid
For example: electronics, phones, cosmetics in fragile bottles, powdered milk, etc.

Step 1: Close the lid tightly, wrap and seal the lid with tape.

Step 2: The body wraps the product with a layer of gas nylon to fix the product, for cosmetics, it is necessary to fix the bottle cap.

Step 3: To prevent shock for the product when it collides, it is necessary to insert an additional layer of foam 3-5cm thick enough for 6 sides of the box.

Step 4: Fragile products will be easily affected by impact, so you need to put a stamp "Fragile" on the outside of the box next to the consignment note for the postman to take note and be more careful. It is necessary to stick more broken stamps, seller's seals at the joints of the boxes for high value products and goods.

2.3 Large electronics are fragile and easily deformed
For example: TV, computer monitor,...

Packaging fragile electronics

Step 1: Outside the box, add a layer of foam 5cm thick on the two largest sides of the product for close orders (inner province) and full 6 sides of products for distant orders (interprovincial).

Step 2: Wrap two more layers of air nylon around.

Step 3: Stamp fragile goods on the outside of the box along with the consignment note to protect the product.

Note: Some shipping companies may require you to pack wooden boxes or thick cartons and plastic belts outside to ensure the safety of products, large-sized and high-value goods when transporting. transfer.

2.4 Large electronics are not fragile, not easily deformed
For example: Refrigerator, washing machine,...

Step 1: Simply wrap clear shrink film (don't use colored or black shrink wrap) around the manufacturer's carton.

Step 2: Stamp to distinguish the top / bottom of the product.

In particular, if the product does not need to keep the manufacturer's seal, the seller can open the box and insert foam or nylon lining in the gaps between the main product and the outermost box to avoid maximum risks and avoid damage. impact damage during transportation.

2.5 Food, clothes are not fragile, dented
These products and goods are not affected much by the impact force and the food may not be preserved for a long time. Need to follow these steps:

Packing clothes, not fragile goods

Step 1: Wrap the goods with 1-2 layers of nylon or air bubbles

Step 2: Pack again in plastic bags, carton boxes, paper boxes.

Step 3: Then glued with adhesive tape and pasted the bill of lading code to protect the product from environmental factors such as water, moisture, insects, ...

Above is the information about the product packaging that we provide, hope you will not need to spend much time and also worry that the goods will be deformed while shipping to your address. customers, but also

Address: Giang Dien Industrial Park, Trang Bom Dist., Dong Nai Town

P: 0911 904 968 | Tel: 025 1224 7968 | Fax: 025 1224 7968

E-mail: giaiphapdonggoi.net@gmail.com