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For those who work as accountants or goods managers, the problem is to make a table with logical and standard formulas to properly inventory the actual quantity of inventory and incoming goods. In order to monitor the situation of materials and goods imported, exported, and inventory monthly, accountants must make a table of input, output, and inventory of supplies and goods. Let's find out about this table with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

1. What is the table of import, export and inventory of materials and goods?
Summary table of import, export, inventory of supplies and goods is a document used to monitor the situation of import, export, and inventory at the beginning and the end of the period of supplies, tools, tools and goods in the warehouse of an enterprise. The basis for making the table is the detailed book of materials, tools, tools and goods.

This summary is usually prepared at the end of the period. It can be the end of the month, the end of the quarter, the end of the year depending on the business.

Table of import, export, inventory of materials and goods

In order to track the situation of export, import and inventory more easily, accountants often make a Summary Table and track it on Excel.

One of the main purposes of making a table of the quantity of goods in and out of the warehouse with an excel file is to help managers and accountants understand the situation of new and inventory quantities of goods during the day.

Continuously updated data will help manage work more effectively, optimizing working time. But the important thing, this table requires workers to calculate meticulously and carefully with numbers when entering information into excel. After that, you must print out the data table and have a reasonable and scientific way to save documents.

2. Basic information in the import and export table of goods

Basic information in the import and export table of goods

Excel is a great spreadsheet and calculation tool that you can use to work, especially with your day-to-day inventory work. To optimize working time efficiently and easily manage, you will also name the columns in excel.

First of all, 4 basic information before the import and export table of goods you need to know are as follows:

Beginning inventory (inventory at the beginning of the day): The first information that needs to be mentioned is the beginning inventory to control the quantity of goods. You get the row count of the previous day (if the I/O table is stocked in daily units) or by the month if the unit table is a month.
Number of imported goods in 1 day: Control the quantity of goods imported in 1 day (or 1 month) and get information in a separate import and export table.
Amount of goods shipped in a day: this information shows the amount of goods shipped during the period (that day or month). Data is also taken from a separate import and export table.
End-of-day inventory: The formula for calculating end-of-day inventory that you should know: the beginning inventory + the day's input - the day's output.
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3. Notes to know when making the import and export table of goods

Notes to know when making the import and export table of goods

For long-time accountants, when receiving this job, they must also be very careful, because if done incorrectly, it will greatly affect that business in the process of managing inventory and giving treatment methods. reason for the day. If you are a new accountant, you have to be even more careful and thorough in the way you tabulate.

The information must be highly accurate

The content and information in the table need to be true and absolutely correct, if you are negligent in this way, it can cause the whole company to have great trouble in that management stage.

Expertise is required when making boards

You need to have professional expertise on this job, because this is not a simple job, especially how to use functions in excel. If the business only has hundreds of inventory, you can filter it manually, if the quantity is too large, you must use the function.

You need to have basic knowledge and proficient use of excel, data entry and information processing must be very careful and accurate. If you don't have much exposure to excel, you won't be able to do this job.

Design the right excel file for your business

You need to design an excel management file suitable for your business. This is a note that needs special attention. Because each business, a store has different characteristics in terms of items and quantities. Therefore, you need to build a daily inventory of goods for better management and much simpler.

Anticipate the risks when managing daily import and export goods with excel

With the benefits that management in excel brings, it will certainly also have many other high risks that you need to be aware of. Especially in manual data entry, because humans will sometimes make mistakes, so it will be very difficult for us to manage commodity data. And yet, it can also cause you to confuse information and data with different departments.

Therefore, when making the import and export table of goods, we must also anticipate the risks that it brings to us.

With the information the article on Giaiphapdonggoi.net has directed

I will show you how to make a daily inventory of goods in and out. Hope this information will be helpful to you in tabulating.

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