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Tik Tok is a current trend that many young people follow, they often create attractive videos in terms of content as well as images. How can we create a unique and strange beautiful video? In the article below, We will show you how to create a  Tik Tok video with beautiful images with your own personality.

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1. How did Tik Tok become a holiday trend?

In recent years, Tiktok is becoming an application that many young people access and participate in. Young people of the Z  generation often create many videos and images of a certain content or want to convey a certain message to viewers, which has attracted hundreds of thousands of views worldwide. Just like that, this trend quickly became a trend welcomed by young people around the world and then quickly approached by many different ages.


The current trend of making videos on tiktok

Nowadays, no one is unaware of this Tik Tok application because it has become so popular with us. We spend  one to two hours a day surfing Tik Tok and watching the videos that many people have shared there. This gives us a habit and also creates a sense of comfort and entertainment when watching.

In the next part we will learn about how to make a video that attracts the most viewers

2. The easiest and fastest way to make Tik Tok videos with pictures

A Tik Tok video with photos is created as quickly as possible following the steps below:
Step 1:  Download the Tik Tok application to your device by accessing the App Store and searching for the Tik Tok application, then install the application to install the application on your phone

Step 2 Access the Tik Tok application on the main interface of the Tik Tok application, click on the + icon to record a new Tik Tok video. In the video recording section, you switch to the MV section.


Step 3: You find the effects and choose the effect to make your favorite Tik Tok photo video and then click Create now. This will take you to the Photo Library on your device. You select the photos in the order that you want to make a Tik Tok video, then click OK.

Step 4: So you have created a photo slideshow video. At this time, the video has no sound, you select the item  m music to start merging music into the Tik Tok video.

Step 5: You choose a Tik Tok song you want to combine into your photo video.


Step 6: You can add effects, stickers or add subtitles to your Tik Tok video. Then select Next.

Step 7: Once done, click Post the Tik Tok video that you just created.

After completing the above steps, you have an instant video with your own personal style. What are you waiting for, try it now!! Install Tik Tok and make yourself a video with photos to upload to your Tik Tok. The above steps are very simple so I'm sure many people will do it. Don't forget to discover more informative tips that are only available here. Thank you for following us. Any questions please leave us a message. hotline 0911 904 968

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