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Learning about popular packaging machines will help business units easily choose the right product for their needs. Because most companies or factories almost need the help of packaging machines to pack packages, food, etc. The following article giaphapdonggoi.net would like to provide some relevant information. Hopefully through that customers can easily choose the product that best suits their needs.

1. Why is it important to learn about popular packaging machines?
Before coming to several types of packaging machines on the market. Let's explain why it is necessary to learn about these machines. In fact, the packaging machine plays an important role in the production and business process. However, not all customers understand and have enough basis to choose to buy accordingly.

And packaging machines have a very important role for businesses and production establishments such as:

1.1 Safe and effective food preservation
This purpose is especially important in the packaging machine application process. Thanks to this device, it helps to effectively pack and protect the food inside. Contributing to limiting the collision from external factors. Moreover, it also helps to avoid environmental changes and external dust or bacteria. Prevent it from getting into the food to protect the health of consumers.

1.2 Print advertising images of products and units
Using popular packaging machines is also the secret to direct printing of product information. Share full information about ingredients, production date, expiry date as well as notes when using. Besides, it also helps to advertise the product to more customers. Almost every manufacturer always pays attention to this factor for marketing purposes. On the other hand, the eye-catching packaging image will create a strong attraction for customers to choose.

2. Learn the popular packaging machines on the market
Talking about packaging machines on the market, there are many different types of models. So to help you get a better view, we go into the analysis line by line.

2.1 Types of packaging machines according to their working mechanism
According to the mechanism of operation, the packaging machine will have two most characteristic types as follows:

Semi-automatic packaging machine
This is a packaging machine that works according to the rhythm of production. It is generated by the clutch or mandrel. Because of the rhythmic operation, this machine depends quite a lot on the structure and operation of the worker and the difficulty of the product. When just started production, this packaging machine is chosen by many people.

The outstanding advantage of this product line is that it has a simple design so it is quite easy to use. And the control system of the machine is also extremely fast and simple. When the photosensitive system detects the marking line. At that time, the control unit immediately transmits the command to seal the mouth of the bag. This welding process is performed by welding along the bag or welding the two ends of the bag through the clamp bar to make the effect more accurate.

However, the main disadvantage of the machine is that the packaging capacity is not high. The reason is that there should be certain waiting intervals between machine movements. In addition, it also greatly affects the speed and ability of the workforce.

Automatic packing machine
Talking about popular packaging machines, this is the current popular and widely used machine. The machine works continuously and brings high productivity, almost less dependent on the working speed of workers. This makes the delay of the machine much less compared to the semi-automatic packaging machine. The machine will produce products that are both beautiful and uniform, always keeping the product volume stable.

2.2 Types of packaging machines according to the needs of use
According to the needs of use, the popular packaging machines also have different types. And we can go through 2 basic categories including:

Powder packing machine
It is a specialized product line for the packaging process of cereals, cornstarch, flour, rice flour... It is made according to customer requirements or samples available at factories. Specifically, if customers want their products to be developed at the wholesale channel, at e-commerce sites to sell the same large quantity of goods. Then you should consider buying a quality powder packing machine.

Some lines of powder packaging machines are currently chosen by many customers, which are: Weight loss powder packing machine; Flour; Soup; Washing powder…

Liquid packing machine
This is one of the most popular packaging machines. The introduction of this machine line helps packaging applications, bottles for liquid products. This packaging machine is rated for operation

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