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Communication is something we do a lot every day. However, there are many people who are not good at communicating or do not feel confident when speaking or presenting in front of a crowd. In today's article we will learn about the principles of communication as well as how you can communicate intelligently and attractively in the eyes of others.

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1. What is communication?

Communication is a basic problem in society. Daily communication is closely linked between people and people, only human communication can expand relationships with each other. Through catalytic communication, it is possible to change the behavior and behavior of people around.


What is communication?

In daily life we communicate a lot and communicate with a lot of people. But not everyone can talk to attract others and please others. So what is the secret for us to be able to communicate well, let's find out in the next section!

In daily life, communication has many situations, sometimes easy and sometimes complicated. The more civilized the society, the higher the communication needs of people. Therefore, behaving intelligently, wisely, and delicately… reaches the point where art today is considered as the secret of success in life and work.
The purpose of communication is to meet material and spiritual needs to form relationships between people, to exchange and share information with each other, to stimulate and motivate people to act. .

3. Communication principles to pay attention to

In daily communication, we need to pay attention to the principles to communicate and behave in the most intelligent and skillful way. Here are a few principles in communication to note:
1. Always respect others
The first and most important principle is that of respecting the other party in communication, respect will create a comfortable atmosphere and make each party feel that they are really talking to them.

muc-dich-cua-viec-giao-tiep2. Put yourself in the other person's shoes when communicating
While communicating, you should put yourself in the other person's shoes to feel as well as think. Think carefully before saying a word. Because it can hurt the other person and also from there the relationship between the two people after that conversation can break down. Regardless of whether you're talking to someone you like or someone you hate, always act like you're happy talking to them because through those conversations you can learn a lot about them. Take advantage of the short periods of communication to learn more experiences for yourself

3. Learn to listen and encourage others
How do you feel when in a conversation you just want to say whether the other person likes to hear you say or not. So, don't just talk, focus on speaking when communicating, but pay attention to the balance between speaking and listening to others because listening helps you learn a lot of things and especially learn how others talk to me maybe you are talking to an introvert and they don't like sharing information and your mission is to communicate and help them openly share their information with you

4. Always smile
Would you like to talk to a person whose face is always absent and annoyed. That's not true Then why not smile while communicating a smile can be very simple but it creates a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere when two people are communicating So practice smiling in everyday communication situations
5. Use the right words
Words are sometimes the most effective means of communication. The use of appropriate words in certain communication situations will help you to score points with the other person. Please point to specific cases to use words. a reasonable way. About this, you can refer to YouTube channels to learn more skills as well as new words often used in communication, this will be useful to us in many cases.

Above are the sharing of principles in communication. Learn and exchange for yourself communication skills to behave as well as talk intelligently with the other party and create sympathy for them from the beginning. Also, a lot of good and useful information is only available here. Thank you for reading this article. Any questions you can contact us via hotline 0911 904 968

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