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Find out salary timesheets in agencies and businesses

5 minutes to learn about timesheets and salaries in agencies and businesses
To create a timesheet, salary may not be as simple as many people think. So the question is how to create the most complete timesheet, salary. Let's find out in the article below!

1. What is a timesheet?


What is the concept of timesheet?

Timesheet is a table that records the days and hours of work that workers can do, this table is marked by month and summarized at the end of the month to calculate salary for employees.
Each business or agency can have its own timesheets suitable to the nature of their work, quarterly, monthly or yearly.

2. Uses of timesheets in the company

The creation of timesheets will have a certain department in charge and monitoring. Creating a timesheet helps businesses keep track of the hours and days worked by workers in that month, quarter or year. The days those workers work and what hours they work or whether they work overtime that day, how much work they do. All information related to the calculation of wages for workers will be recorded carefully and accurately

Uses of timesheets

3. Methods of timekeeping for employees

Currently, there are many different timekeeping methods applied by businesses to calculate wages for their workers or employees.

+ Timekeeping by day
Employees will be charged from the beginning of the shift to the end of the shift. Departments that perform timekeeping will mark the timesheets for that worker on the days that they work.

+ Timekeeping by the hour
Many workers can calculate their working hours by the hour, how many hours they work will be recorded by the management and calculated by the hour, for example, an hour of work they can be paid 50k, if working 5 hours, the employee workers are paid in the amount of 250k for their labor

+ Time attendance by timekeeper, fingerprint, magnetic card...
Some companies or agencies will have an automatic timekeeping system, as long as an employee goes to work, just swipe their employee card or fingerprint, the timekeeping system will recognize that you go to work on the day of work. there. This method is widely applied in most companies and large corporations because of its convenience and modernity.

+ Timekeeping compensatory leave
Means how? As an employee, if he/she works overtime, he/she will be paid according to the time they work overtime, but they will not be paid overtime.

Wage calculation methods

4. Salary timekeeping criteria for employees

As mentioned, each company will have a certain salary calculation method and they also base on their own criteria for timekeeping employees when working for their company.

Number of employees and nature of business lines
For example, part-time jobs will be charged differently than full-time, if for part-time you work 15k/1h, full-time you will be paid 25k/1h. That's the difference
Product life, perishability
For a large number of workers, if they damage a lot of equipment, the company will have to pay a large amount of money to compensate for that. Therefore, many companies have applied this criterion pay for workers
Ability to integrate with payroll software

Marking criteria for employees

5. Some of the most popular salary spreadsheet templates today

Here are some sample salary spreadsheets, you can refer to it!

Giaiphapdonggoi.net has answered your questions related to timekeeping in businesses. Each topic that we bring always helps you to improve your knowledge, so stay tuned for the next articles to know more hot and interesting information!

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