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The demand for North-South freight transport is one of the services chosen by many customers today, today is increasing and accompanied by the continuous development of different North-South transport forms, providing provide the necessary benefits but also solve the transportation problem that is booming widely in Vietnam today. So what are the North-South shipping methods? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Let's find out with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is the shipping method?

What is the shipping method?

The mode of transportation of goods is a collection of corresponding modes of transport, often accompanied by means of transport, which are tools and equipment used to carry goods. These two factors are complementary to each other and people have used them to link into transport models to serve the increasing transportation needs of customers in today's society.

Along with the development of the economy, the modes of transportation are more diverse and richer. Many businesses that have a need to transport goods can use Some of the most popular modes of transportation today such as rail, water, road and air.

2. North-South shipping methods

2.1 Methods of road transport (roadways)
As the most traditional and popular mode of transport today, goods are transported by different types of road vehicles. with a length of nearly 2,000 km from North to South on the arterial inland route, National Highway 1A.

Ways of transportation (roadways)


The most prominent is transportation by container truck, which brings a stable and fast progress as well as a somewhat more flexible delivery to the delivery point than other forms.
Usually, trucks are used mainly, so they are very flexible in the process of transporting goods, there is no specific time limit, but only two parties need to agree on a time that can also be changed in the process. transport.
We can choose the means, transportation route as well as the quantity of goods as required, saving a lot of time.
Road transport is suitable for transporting goods with small traffic, short and medium distances.
Do not go through any transport intermediaries when the goods are transported from the sender's warehouse to the receiver's warehouse as well as limit the loading and unloading process by labor, minimizing costs.

Additional road tolls must be paid: at toll stations, fuel tolls, tolls, etc.
Many risks occur such as traffic accidents, traffic jams, etc., which greatly affect the goods (perishable goods and goods in need of fast delivery speed) and delivery time.
Road transport is mainly served in the domestic market, while international freight transport is still very limited.
There are also restrictions on the volume and size of goods transported compared to shipping by rail and sea.
See more plastic straps safe packing for shipping

2.2 Methods of rail transport (Railways)
Railways are operated by locomotives (locomotives) and wagons (freight cars).

Railways (Railways)

Rail transport is considered a modern mode of transport, appearing in the early 19th century. Currently, more than 120 countries use railways. Some countries have large railway lengths such as the US (348,000 km), Russia (136,000 km), Canada (70,851 km), India (62,545 km), ...

Recently, rail transport has become more popular, in the direction of reducing the load for the mode of transport by road. The method of transporting goods from north to south by train is more strongly developed, tending to compete with inland road and sea.


The freight rates are much lower than other types of road transport, stable for a long time and with little fluctuation, able to transport a large volume and variety of goods, especially in the transport route. North-South route.
The cost of rail transport does not depend much on the cost of fuel, so when the price of petrol fluctuates continuously, the price of rail transport remains unchanged.
With high safety, goods are guaranteed not to be lost or damaged because they are packed into specialized carriages such as: normal carriages, containers, super-heavy carriages, refrigerated carriages. Funds are continuously so the goods will be safe and the possibility of loss, damage is minimal.
Rarely affected by weather conditions, other factors such as traffic jams, damaged roads, toll stations, etc. Trains have a fixed schedule time, so they are less volatile than transport. Road.
Suitable for all kinds of goods with large weight and transport volume

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