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In addition to normal daily transportation of goods via parcels, utensils, parcels, goods, etc., the service of sending motorbikes by passenger car is also one of the desired needs of customers, especially on occasions. especially such as holidays, Tet, etc. Here are the things to keep in mind when sending motorbikes by bus through the following article.

1. Where to send motorbikes by passenger cars?
Where to send motorbikes by bus, which garage? This is one of the questions asked by many people when they need to send their motorbikes by bus, especially during the Tet to spring holidays. You can also drive hundreds of kilometers by yourself to get home, but choosing to ride a motorbike on your own is probably very few of you to choose because of the long distance and it's too dangerous. So if you need to send your motorbike by bus, you can bring it to the provincial bus station to send it.

2. Not all garages accept motorbikes
When you want to send a motorbike to a place you want, you need to find out carefully about the buses that run there. However, not all bus companies accept motorbikes. So when you intend to send motorbikes with you, you need to ask carefully if the garage will accept motorbikes. Next, you should ask the time of the car and the parking fee to be able to facilitate the parking process.

3. Number of motorbikes transported in one trip
When you have found a garage that accepts motorbike parking. But even though you have already booked a seat, you still call the garage on the day of departure to confirm that the car is still available again with the garage.

4. How to take care of motorbikes when sending by passenger car?
In order to send a motorbike by passenger car without wasting time, you should call to ask the owner of the car before sending the motorbike so that you don't have to waste time bringing it out and then bring it back. Because each trip, whether the road is near or far, can only accommodate a maximum of 1 to 2 motorbikes in the chassis.

When sending motorbikes by passenger car, you need to prepare all documents, including:

Documents of the car owner, for example, original identity card and photo
Vehicle registration
With a reputable and professional transportation unit, you need to prepare all the documents before the garage can receive your car to be sent.

5. Fee for parking motorbikes by passenger car
Depending on the size of the vehicle, the assistant will give the appropriate fare for your vehicle. For example, a scooter with a larger and more bulky size is also more expensive than a digital car. Because this type of car takes up more space and the value of the car is always higher than that of a car. During the holidays, the price of cars and people will increase. Before getting on the car, you need to ask the price first, to avoid the case when you get on the car and then the car is charged too high.

6. Things to do before putting motorbikes on passenger cars
Usually, passenger cars will put your motorbike under the car for transportation. Therefore, to minimize the risk of possible collision. The following points should be noted:

You need to loosen the rearview mirror screw so that when entering the bus station, it can be removed easily. The arrangement of the car takes a long time, so you need to arrive at the bus station about 20 minutes earlier than the departure time.
Before putting the motorbike in the passenger car, the assistants will drain most of the fuel on your motorbike. Helps to ensure that no fuel is spilled during the move, making it unsafe for everyone in the vehicle. Therefore, before sending your car you should not fill up the gas tank.
You should wrap your motorbike carefully with an old carton and wrap it with duct tape in many rounds to prevent collisions that lead to cracking during the vehicle's movement.
Above is information about the notes on sending motorbikes by passenger car. Giaiphapdonggoi.net hopes to bring you good information to safely transport your motorbike to your desired destination.

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