Chuyên cung cấp các sản phẩm đóng gói | Giaiphapdonggoi.net
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giaphapdonggoi.net plastic belt production company is the address specializing in manufacturing high quality plastic belts, meeting international standards. The belt products of giaphapdonggoi.net are developed by a team of experienced engineers who bring quality products, structure, stiffness and extreme stretchability. In addition, thanks to the materials imported from big brands, so owning the plastic belt of giaphapdonggoi.net you will get an exclusive product with a long lifespan.

1. Products of giaphapdonggoi.net plastic belt manufacturing company

1.1. Production of PET plastic straps
PET plastic straps are manufactured according to a carefully created process. In order to produce plastic wire, the first important condition is to have a suitable plastic extruder. Pure polyethylene beads are put inside the machine to heat and shape the product. Next we get PET plastic with a paste form.

Then, the company that produces plastic belts giaphapdonggoi.net will put it into a forming machine, rolling it into a wire. In addition, the brand logo can be printed on request to form the finished product. Thanks to good quality virgin plastic beads, the plastic belt is durable and has good heat resistance. At the same time, modern production processes make the output products completely free of impurities.

1.2. PP plastic belt production
Similar to PET plastic straps with PP plastic straps, the company produces similar plastic straps. Here the polyprotyle beads are put into the machine and shaped into a wire product. Depending on the requirements, the wire can be shaped with a rough surface or a smooth surface. The wire size is also shaped by the machine from the time the product is molded.

In addition, PP plastic rope can be cast by single or double machine. Here the single machine usually produces products with a width of about 6mm to 19mm and a thickness of 0.4mm to 1.2mm. As for the double machine, the width ranges from 0.4mm to 1.2mm, thickness 0.4mm to 1.2mm.

1.3. Production of polyester plastic straps
Giaphapdonggoi.net plastic belt manufacturing company also launched polyester plastic belt products. Products are manufactured from polyester fibers with high strength and coated with Polyester Propylene outside. Thanks to the unique manufacturing process, the plastic rope has high strength and low elongation. This is what makes polyester rope the strongest strap on the market today.

2. Basic characteristics of belts

Depending on different types of belts, Nam Phat plastic belt production company will produce products with corresponding characteristics such as:

2.1. For PP plastic belt
PP plastic belt size: There are various sizes such as 10mm x 0.75mm, size 12mm x0.8mm, size 14mm x0.8mm, size 15mm x 0.9mm...
Color of PP plastic belt: There are colors such as yellow, red, blue, white...
PP coil specification: Own core diameter: 200mm.
PP coil width: 190mm.
PP coil weight: 10kg.
2.2. For PET plastic straps
Dimensions of PET plastic straps: There are various sizes such as size 15.5mm x 0.9mm, size 16mm x 1mm, size 19mm x 0.8mm, size 19mm x 1mm...
PET strap color: Available in colors such as turquoise, black.
PET Coil Specification: Can be produced with or without core.
PET coil weight: 20 kg.

3. Find out about the company that manufactures plastic belts giaphapdonggoi.net

Giaphapdonggoi.net plastic belt production company is one of the units specializing in the production and export of quality plastic straps in the market. Thanks to owning a large workshop area with modern processes and advanced technology of Europe. Plastic belt products of giaphapdonggoi.net are committed to meeting the highest standards and are supplied nationwide. Moreover, it is also exported to many countries around the world.

Thanks to in-depth knowledge in the field of plastic beads, the company that produces plastic belts giaphapdonggoi.net is fully proactive in quality control from input materials to output products. All products provided by giaphapdonggoi.net bring many outstanding important advantages including:

- Beautiful wire color, high quality, straight and uniform wire.

- Maximum rope pulling force and usable for automatic and semi-automatic strapping machines and other specialized bale strapping tools.

- Giaiphapdonggoi.net plastic belt production company can print your letters and logos on PP, PET, polyester plastic belts... Thus, contributing to building brand and prestige for customers.

- We provide the fastest products to meet the maximum needs of customers, support fast delivery.

- There is a team of consultants to support and answer all questions related to wire production

Address: Giang Dien Industrial Park, Trang Bom Dist., Dong Nai Town

P: 0911 904 968 | Tel: 025 1224 7968 | Fax: 025 1224 7968

E-mail: giaiphapdonggoi.net@gmail.com