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Your email signature is a great opportunity to express yourself and what you do beautifully and professionally. If you do it right, you will significantly more build trust and connect with your customers with every message you send. Let's learn about beautiful professional email signature templates with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is an email signature?

Email signatures are a powerful way to convey your professionalism to your readers and give them the information they need to contact you. Email signatures are placed at the bottom of each message, helping to leave a great impression and make you stand out from your peers.

Thiết kế tối giản và sạch sẽ

What is an email signature?

Some common goals for your email signature are:

Make a professional impression.
Act as a lead generation channel.
Get more exposure to your social media content.
Grant access to your CV during your job search.
Obviously there are many more goals and uses. Once you know where you want to go, it's much easier to determine the signature that works best for you.

2. Professional beautiful email signature templates

2.1. Minimalist and clean design
Marketing and design go hand in hand, so before we start talking about marketing trends, it's important to mention some of the graphic design trends that will dominate in 2021.  Although While your email signature will help people learn more about you and your company, it shouldn't be too soft. After all, it has to create an overall impression.

Chữ ký HTML

Minimalist and clean design

When creating email signatures, you should use a unique font. If you select Arial, it must be Arial in all contact information. The best way is to use the same font in the image. If you don't like any of the fonts mentioned, just make sure you use a web safe font. This way you will know that the font will display correctly on any device or software.

Colors are not garish, saturation is low. In your signature, limit the design to only two colors. Try using squares, triangles, circles, etc. in your email signature banners. Combining these elements with low-saturated colors will make any image eye-catching and even stylish.

2.2. HTML Signature
HTML email signatures offer more possibilities for branding. By 2021, email signature designs must reflect a brand identity or support a personal brand.

HTML Signature

If you are a travel blogger on YouTube, you should make your email signature look cool and interesting.

On the other hand, as an employee of a large corporation, you'd better standardize your signature with your colleagues.

For corporate email signatures, the use of identical colors, branded fonts, and designs is a must. In this regard, the best practice you can use in 2021 is to have one person responsible for the design of the other's email signatures. This person should create an email signature template that will be shared across the company (or a department). Many companies are starting to use HTML signatures for branding and marketing.

2.3. Automation (a saying)
The same research also shows that professionals use their email signature generator for regular or occasional marketing. The growing need to automate signature marketing campaigns has led to the growth of the email signature generation software market.

There are actually many different email signature generator tools for different purposes. Let's take a look at some.

MySignature: MySignature focuses on making email signatures accessible to everyone. Their online editor is best suited for individuals or small businesses that want to make their signature stand out. The variety of settings like adding a CTA button, a custom logout, or changing the design of practically anything, makes creating a truly unique signature a breeze. There is also a simple control panel that allows you to copy any signature. So you can create one and use it as a template for later ones.
Newoldstamp: Newoldstamp's email signature generator has most of the features of MySignature. However, this tool was created with the needs of large companies in mind. This is, of course, the ability to create a sample signature, integrate it with platforms like Microsoft 365 or G Suite, and then easily install all employee signatures in a few clicks.
HubSpot: If you're looking for a simpler solution for creating basic email signatures, check out HubSpot's generator. It doesn't have all the features of the previous tools but makes the job of creating HTML email signatures equally easy. See more plastic belt products

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2.4. Segmentation
With the adoption of email signature marketing platforms, companies can now target different email signature templates to different departments. Marketing managers can change signature elements and call-to-action buttons according to departmental goals.

Phân đoạn (Segmentation)


Organize signatures by departments. Include demo link in Sales messages, add 'Leave a review' banner for Customer Support team. Incorporate a link to a communications toolkit in PR people's emails, or add a recent blog post link to a marketer's banner.

Modifying email signatures is also important when sending emails inside or outside the organization. Different email signatures can be used for different stages of communication such as cold emails, promotional emails, responses or forwarding.

2.5. Automated banner campaigns
One of the ways to turn email logins into an additional marketing tool is by using banner campaigns. In 2021, launching signature banner campaigns will become a big trend due to improvements in campaign automation.

Some email signature marketing services offer features that allow you to easily update banners in all employee signatures from a single dashboard, set campaign start and end dates, and track CTR using built-in analytics.

Think of email signature banner campaigns as a new way to run ads. You can use Facebook Ads, Google Ads and banner campaigns together. The latter is only different in the next funnel stage, since you already have the customer's email address.

2.6. Analytics tracking

Theo dõi phân tích
Analytics tracking

Every marketing activity in the digital world can be measured. Brands will also begin to make data-driven decisions when it comes to business signing. The key KPIs when launching an email signature marketing campaign are emails sent, impressions, and clicks.

The number of emails you have sent is the initial data that helps you gauge the possible outcome. It works similar to regular email campaigns.

Impressions is the number of times your signature has been seen. You can tell if your email has been opened and how many times, just by looking at the impressions.

Clicks (and CTR) are undoubtedly the most important metric. You can add links to logos, websites, CTA buttons, social icons, and banners in your signature. Being able to know which works best is essential for any marketing campaign.

3. Email signature marketing is on the rise

Email will be among the most ROI effective and viral ways of business communication. That's why marketers are starting to look for additional ways to use this channel to generate leads, increase brand awareness, and build loyalty in their existing customers.

Email signature marketing has become a distinct marketing channel that will continue to grow over the next few years. So, if you want to keep your fingers on the pulse in 2021, it's important to pay attention to these email signature trends.

Use a clean and minimalistic design.
Make sure your signature meets the brand identity.
Use email signature management tools for automation.
Organize large number of signatures of departments.
Use email signature banner campaigns to advertise your offer and spread brand awareness.
Always keep an eye on analytics.
Giaiphapdonggoi.net hopes these good email signature examples will inspire you to create your own modern works of art to impress your clients and business partners.

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