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Writing a cover letter isn't anyone's favorite part of the job search, and the body of the letter is the hardest part. And this is where you'll try to grab the hiring manager's attention and emphasize your unique qualifications for the job, without repeating the exact same information you included in your resume. your resume. Let's join Giaiphapdonggoi.net to learn about self-introduction letters!

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1. Contents of self-introduction letter

Nội dung của thư giới thiệu bản thân
Contents of self-introduction letter

The body of your cover letter is the part that tells the hiring manager what position you are applying for and why the employer should choose you for an interview. You're selling your candidacy to the reader, so it's important to be specific about your qualifications as they relate to the position.

The content should include an explanation of why you are interested and qualified for the job for which you are applying. A cover letter is a one-page document that you can send to an employer along with your resume to apply for a job. Typically, the format of a cover letter is three paragraphs long and includes information such as why you are applying for the position, a brief overview of your professional background, and what makes you uniquely qualified for the job. . While some employers may require a cover letter to apply, others may make it optional or exclude it from your application altogether.

A successful cover letter (cover letter) will land you an interview, so it's important to convince and show the hiring manager that you're a strong candidate. Hiring managers will spend a few seconds reviewing your letter or email, which means you don't have much time to connect with recruiters and make a positive impact.

2. Parts of your cover letter

Các phần của thư giới thiệu bản thân
Parts of self-introduction

Date and contact information

There are two ways to list contact information on your cover letter, depending on whether you're offering digital or print.


Start your cover letter at the beginning by telling the hiring manager. If possible, find the name of the hiring manager for the position you're applying for. Re-read the job description to see if it's listed there, or check the company's website. It is also an option to call the company and ask for the name of the hiring manager. Explain that you are applying for a job and want to send your cover letter to the right person. It's not necessary to add Mr, Mrs or Mrs as it may require some guesswork about gender and marital status on your part — just use their first and last name: “Dear Alex Johnson.”

If you can't find the hiring manager's name, select "Dear hiring manager." Avoid old fashioned greetings, such as "Dear Sir/Madam".

Opening paragraph

The opening paragraph is your chance to grab the hiring manager's attention, introduce yourself, and enthusiastically let the employer know why you're applying for the job. You'll want to write this paragraph specifically for each job listing you're applying for. Include why you're excited about the job and the company, and how the job aligns with your career goals. Avoid making this paragraph sound formulaic by including keywords from the job posting and matching your skills to the employer's requirements.

If you were recommended this job by someone who knows the hiring manager or has worked at this company, you may want to mention this introduction in your opening paragraph.

The middle part

Now that you've introduced yourself and established your enthusiasm, it's time to dig into your most relevant experience and talk about the specific qualifications and skills that make you the perfect candidate. In a paragraph or two, make a connection between your previous accomplishments and your readiness for this new role. Think of these passages as a way to introduce yourself as the best fit for the role. Employers may have read your resume, so avoid repeating bullet points. Instead, include details that further illustrate those highlights.

End of paragraph

The main goal of your closing paragraph is to thank the employer for their time and consideration. You also have the option of making any explanation. For example, you can justify any large gaps in your employment history. You can also use this space to pool your qualifications for the role and express interest in moving on to the next stage in the hiring process.

Finish and sign

Choose a body free ending

Friendly but formal, followed by your first and last name. Outcomes you might consider include:

Best regards
Best regards
The best
Best regards
Thank you
Thank you for your review
Avoid closing sentences like Congratulations, Sincerely, Thank you very much, or Sincerely, as these can be seen as overly casual or affectionate.

If you are providing a printed copy of your cover letter, be sure to handwrite your signature, along with your fully entered name.

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3. Letter of introduction

Phông chữ thư giới thiệu bản thân
Letter of introduction

When it comes to fonts, keep it simple and professional. Choose a clean, basic font like Arial, Calibri, Verdana, or something similar. Avoid using decorative or fancy fonts.

Many employers use applicant tracking systems - software that allows automatically sorting job applications based on keywords, skills, specific job titles, or other areas. Complex fonts can make it harder for software to read your messages, which can prevent your application from moving forward.

Use 10 and 12 point sizes for readability. Anything smaller will make the hiring manager cross-eyed, and anything larger will make your letter look unprofessional. In general, you should use the same font and font size that you used in your resume.

4. Gaps in your cover letter

Good white space is essential for your cover letter - white space in the right places will make it easier for a hiring manager to read. Follow these guidelines:

Place your cover letter with single spacing.
Add space between each section: contact information, salutations, opening paragraphs, middle paragraphs, endings and endings for free. (There's no need to indent any of your paragraphs.)

5. Notes on Self-Introduction Letter

Các lưu ý về Thư giới thiệu bản thân
Notes on Self-Introduction Letter

Rule of length: Keep your cover letter to just one page of three paragraphs. You can add an extra middle paragraph if really needed. Before doing this, however, always ask yourself if you can convey the necessary information in fewer words.
Margins and Alignment: Align your text to the left and use standard 1-inch margins. If your letter spills over to the second page, reread it first and see if you can cut anything. If you can't crop anything, you might consider shrinking the margins to ¾” or ½”, but avoid shrinking any further than that so your cover letter doesn't look wrinkled on the page.
File format: Since an applicant tracking system may be analyzing your cover letter, make sure you save your document in a compatible file format — .doc or PDF. You should also rename your file to something specific, especially since the hiring manager can see the filenames you submit online. Follow the format Full Name-Cover-Letter (eg Jade-Young-cover-letter.doc) for more convenience for downloaders.
Above are the "secrets" to help you have an impressive self-introduction letter. Attach this email with your CV to make a good first impression on the recruiter. Wish you always a good start in all your work.

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