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When working for an organization, employees need to follow all regulations and work diligently. When he needs to apply for leave, he will apply for leave. In the form, he is asked to list his details, the number of leave days he is looking for, the reason for leaving,... Depending on the regulations of each company, the working unit you have You can choose the appropriate leave application forms. Here, let's find out the standard and professional leave application form with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. Application form for annual leave

Mẫu đơn xin nghỉ phép năm
Application form for annual leave

Normally, at companies and enterprises, employees will have 12 days off, equivalent to 1 day of paid leave per month of the year according to regulations. When employees intend to use paid leave or want to combine leave for travel or personal work, this year's leave application form should be used.

Notes when submitting the Annual Leave Application

Employees should fill in all information related to the Leave Approval Department; Personal information such as full name, working department as well as contact phone number in case something goes wrong at work while on leave. For example: Dear: Board of Directors of XYZ Company, Administration - Human Resources Department. I am: Le Nhat Minh, Position: Content Marketing Specialist, Marketing Department, Tel: 0912345678
The reason for applying for leave should be presented clearly and succinctly, avoiding lengthy but still informative and convincing. The employee can agree with the employer to take annual leave in installments or in aggregate, up to once every 3 years.
The applicant clearly states the work to be assigned and the recipient of the assignment.

2. General leave application form

Mẫu đơn xin nghỉ phép thông thường
Regular leave application form

The normal leave application form is used in case the employee applies for a short leave, for example: going to a wedding, taking a personal or unexpected leave for a short time, ...

Notes on submitting a regular resignation letter

Employees should fill in all information related to the Leave Review Department and personal information such as full name, working department as well as contact phone number in case there is any problem while working. Vacation. For example: Dear: Board of Directors of XYZ Company, Head of Administration - Human Resources Department, Head of Marketing Department. I am: Nguyen Minh Hoang, Position: Digital Marketing Specialist, Marketing Department, Tel: 0912345678
The applicant must specify the number of days of leave, the start time of the leave and the time of return to work in the application for leave.
Depending on the regulations and size of each business, employees can apply directly, send via Email, Zalo, ... or any other form instead of submitting directly.

3. Application for long leave without pay

Đơn xin nghỉ phép dài ngày không hưởng lương
Application for long leave without pay

The application for long-term unpaid leave is usually used when the employee has finished his annual leave but has a need to apply for a long-term unpaid leave due to an unexpected or personal matter that needs to be resolved.

Notes when submitting an application for long-term leave without pay

Employees should fill in all information related to the Leave Approval Department such as company, agency, unit,...; and personal information such as full name, department of work as well as contact phone number in case there is any problem needing leave. For example: Dear: Board of Directors of XYZ Company, Head of Administration - Human Resources Department, Head of Technical Department. My name: Nguyen Phuc An, Position: Electrical Technician, Technical Department, Tel: 0912345678
Specify the reason for the leave, the more detailed and reasonable the reason, the easier the leave application will be approved and approved.
Employees need to clearly state their full name, position, department and information about the replacement to take on the job during the time off.
Employees should also detail the handover. The more detailed, the easier the replacement and the easier the approval process.
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4. Process of applying for leave

The process of applying for a leave of absence

To be able to take leave, you need to follow the mandatory procedures prescribed by your agency. Normally, the process of applying for leave usually consists of 3 general basic steps.

Quy trình làm giấy xin nghỉ phép

Apply for leave

Employees who want to apply for leave need to apply for leave according to the prescribed form. You can download the leave application form on the website of the company, agency or the leave application form of the administrative - human resources department.

Submit the leave application for review by the manager

After completing the leave application, you need to send it to the management department for approval. Usually the reviewer will be your direct manager. The review time will be from 1 to 3 days. Depending on the time off, you will need different leadership opinions.

As if:

If taking 1 day off: ask permission from the head/deputy you.
Leave for 3 days or more, consult the Head of Department.
More than 1 week need to consult the company's management.
During the application process for approval, you need to hand over the work you are in charge of to your colleagues, important jobs that need to be completed before you can leave.

Submit your resignation letter to the HR department

Once approved, you need to forward your leave application to the company's human resources department. Human Resources will be responsible for updating your leave progress. When calculating wages, you will be counted as excused leave. If your leave application is approved but not sent to human resources, you will still be counted as unexcused leave.

A note in the case of an emergency, especially you can leave earlier and complete the application for leave later. However, before taking leave, report to your manager so they know the situation.

The above article that Giaiphapdonggoi.net provides you with a standard and professional leave application form. We hope that the instructions we provide in the article will be useful to you.

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