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The naming phase is extremely important because it is not only the source of motivation for the employees in the company but also the brand and the customer's view of that business. Therefore, naming a good name for a business requires administrators to consider before establishing a business. In the article below, Giaiphapdonggoi.net will share with you some tips to name a good and impressive business name in the eyes of customers.

1. The importance of having a good business name

As we all know the name of the business It is not only on paper but is often mentioned by customers when it comes to products or services of that business. So it can be said that a good name will leave a lot of impressions in the eyes of customers whenever it comes to their business.

  • The importance of business naming

Owning a good name also helps to shape your business in the market. Many businesses thanks to having a good and easy-to-use name when mentioned have helped their business develop more than having a long, confusing and boring name for customers.

2. Some good naming tips for your business

When a business is established, there are many different ways to own a name, depending on the circumstances, conditions and the meaning of the name.
The business name can be named after the individual or the business owner, the founder of the business. For example, some famous firms name their business after the name of the founder of the business such as:


  • Dell (Extremely famous computer company named after its founder, Mr. Michael Dell),
  • McDonald's (a food supply chain founded by Richard and Maurice McDonald themselves),
  • The Trump Corporation (the name Donald Trump is used for that corporation),
  • Ford (a car supplier founded by Henry Ford),…

The highlight of this way of getting a business name is that the business owner is completely famous and influential. But with such a personal name, the efforts of employees feel like they are working for an employer, not for a common good of the company.


Some tips to own impressive business names

3. Name your business using other languages or special symbols

Names that use English words or special characters are not unfamiliar to many users. This is also considered one of the few new trends in business naming because it is more modern and suitable for today's youth. Some typical names for this naming are: Habeco, Sabeco, in addition, Vina (Vietnam) companies such as VinaMilk (Specializing in providing famous milk)

4. Named after business lines

The simplest way to name a business when you can't think of a name that is too fancy is to name it according to the industry that the business is in. For example, when you are working in the textile industry, can name the company as textile company A.


The naming of the business is completely focused on the field in which the business is operating to help customers identify what products this business is dealing in. This way of naming businesses to shape their brand in the market is completely easy.

5. Some other special names
In addition to the above tips for owning a special name such as how to get a name according to an individual, a business owner or a business field, there are many businesses today that often take their name after a god or god. is a phrase to refer to the prosperity that develops for his company. This naming is completely appropriate as well as the development trend of today's youth.


Some notes when naming that is to avoid naming a business that is too long or confusing for customers.

  • The name should not be the same as the name of another business or service, the name must be unique
  • The name of the company must be in accordance with the provisions of the law
  • Avoid naming unlucky meaningful names that will affect the company's business in the future

Do the songs have a good name for themselves? Articles with useful sharing have helped administrators find some inspiration when naming their businesses. If you still have not thought of a name for your business, please share your concerns with us. Update more

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