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Understanding customer service helps businesses decide as well as plan many activities and strategies of the company. The following article will help us better understand customer service and its impact

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1. Customer service concept?

There are many definitions of customer service. Each definition has a different wording, however, the reference to these definitions is the same.
Customer service is every interaction with your customers before, during, and after the sale. A good customer service experience means that you provided good enough customer service and that service completely met the customer's expectations.


2. What is the nature of customer service?

It can be said that with the development of today's society, the human factor is put on top. Customer service from quiz also evolved. However, there are many managers who still do not really understand what customer service is?

Customer service is a very important step but not the only factor to retain customers. Understanding and applying the principles of good customer service management is a factor that can help you achieve more success in business.

Services are an intangible commodity. From providing the needs and satisfying the wants of customers, meeting their needs of customers, you are managing customer service very well.

3. Good customer service evaluation factors

In order to satisfy the needs of diverse customer groups and different requirements, but there are many customer services and good jobs. What are the criteria for judging girls to help them become such good customer services:
Time:  Time is a prerequisite factor in determining the satisfaction of customer service or not. No customer wants to be left behind, late, and doesn't want to wait for anyone. Therefore, being on time is what makes customers feel comfortable as well as love what they bring more.

Reliability: Every product that you bring to your customers must always be of the highest quality. It determines the trust of customers customers to the services our company provides them. From there, it is possible to assess the customer's loyalty to the services that the company provides in the future, whether it will be warmly received by a large number of customers or not.


Information: Do you really want to hear a misinformation. Definitely not right. So any customer does not want to be fooled by false information. Give customers as accurate information as you can, if you don't really know, find out carefully before providing it to your customers.

Adaptation: Markets, more specifically human needs and wants, are constantly changing. Therefore, the flexibility to change according to the needs of customers helps you to meet the needs of customers in the most flexible and effective way.

4. The role of customer service

Customer service plays an important role in a developed society with the wants and needs of people being put on top as such.
- For the national economy

+ Contributing to speeding up the circulation of goods and money in the economy

+ Make an important contribution to economic growth

+ Promote economic restructuring towards Industrialization - Modernization

+ Create jobs and increase income for workers

+ Services represent the commercial civilization level of a country.


- For Businesses

+ Services bring great revenue for businesses in both aspects:

Direct revenue from service provision

Thanks to the service, more goods can be sold, thereby expanding the business market

+ Service is the most important and highest competitive weapon in the market:

Customer service plays an increasingly important role in today's society. The above sharing helps us better understand the services as well as how to capture the needs of customers from there, meeting those needs. In addition, if you have any questions, you can contact us via hotline: 0911 904 968  Thank you for following this article.

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