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Presentation has become the obsession of many young people today. Many people are afraid to speak in front of many people about something. But besides that, many people make a difference in their presentation. What is the reason and the secret that they do so? Let's find out in the article below!

1. Benefits of giving a good presentation

By presenting on a topic in front of many people, you are communicating your opinion to more people. When you give a good presentation, the whole content of your ideas will be communicated to people effectively and they will understand what you say. The presentation is extremely important, we encounter a lot in the learning and working environment.


Benefits of giving a good presentation that you should know

Having a voice and personal opinion will create more opportunities for you at work. Possessing a good presentation ability will pave the way to success for you. And in case you don't give a good presentation, don't worry, practice with the tips that  giaiphapdonggoi.net shares later !

2. Good presentation tips for young people

If you want your presentation to become attractive and attract many listeners, apply the following unique method today!

+ First when entering the presentation, say hello to everyone who is listening to you first. This may be simple, but it creates sympathy for the listener and they are interested in your talk

+ To make your presentation go smoothly, prepare carefully at home in advance

Preparation is never too much for a good result. Figure out what you want to say first and need to memorize it to speak more fluently


Good public speaking skills

+ Focus on the presentation

The structure and content of the presentation also greatly influence people's interest. A good topic will be communicated well if you know how to make its content interesting. The presentation needs to have a clear content and layout of 3 parts: introduction, body and conclusion. Especially in each section, list out what should be said and said and when. This is very important to lead the reader to the story you want to tell

+ Use examples, visualizations, and real stories as evidence

Listeners often tend to be curious about what is real, so stimulating the listener's curiosity is also a plus point in a presentation.

+ Pay attention to interact with listeners

A presentation will be boring when you just focus on speaking and speaking regardless of how the audience is feeling. This is really wrong, instead try to create a connection and interaction with the listener during your talk through a mini-question, for example.

+ Adjust your voice and body language

Inspiring voice makes the presentation more attractive, learn how to emphasize the words in the presentation and incorporate more body language to not be boring during the presentation!


Tips to help you give a good presentation

3. Mistakes commonly made when giving presentations make you lose points

The reason why your presentation is not good or boring is probably because you make one of the following mistakes:

Lack of thorough preparation
Poor preparation makes it easy to stumble when you speak, you will not know which idea you should say first or which idea later, so when you give a presentation in front of many people, you are easily confused.

Boring long presentation content
Put yourself in the position of the listener, do you want to sit and listen to a full text presentation? Certainly not, the content of many words will cause boredom when you have to listen to too much, please add interesting pictures and videos to overcome this situation.

Voice is not inspiring, body language is not diverse
Maybe many of you will have an inspiring voice, so try to promote it! For those of you who don't, don't worry, practice regularly to have an inspiring voice   and flexible body language!

Mistakes that young people often make when giving presentations

>> Above are the tips to share for good presentations, don't forget to follow a lot of good information and tips only at Giaiphapdonggoi.net! We will answer all your questions as quickly and accurately as possible. Thanks for reading the whole post

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