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Normally, when signing a labor contract with an employee, the employer will have an accompanying agreement on preferential and welfare policies, including insurance content. However, many workers still do not know the types of insurance required in the business, thereby losing the benefits they deserve. Here, let's join Giaiphapdonggoi.net to learn about the types of compulsory insurance for working people today!

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1. Social insurance

Social insurance

Social insurance is a type of monthly insurance that will pay employees a certain amount when they leave work due to illness, work accident, maternity or retirement. The amount received depends on the amount you have paid social insurance during your work.

When starting to work after graduating from school, you will be issued a unique social insurance book, each social insurance book will have a unique code that does not overlap with anyone. This code will be the identifier of each person, recording the process of participating in different types of insurance, as well as indicating the regimes and policies to be enjoyed for life.

When wanting to enjoy social insurance benefits, employees need to go to social insurance establishments where they permanently or temporarily reside across the country and submit an application for social insurance benefits.

Bảo hiểm xã hội

Types of social insurance

Compulsory social insurance: This is a type of social insurance organized by the State and compulsory for employees and businesses to participate. Compulsory social insurance includes benefits such as maternity, sickness, occupational accident, occupational disease, retirement and survivorship.
Voluntary social insurance: This is a type of social insurance organized by the State, in which participants can choose a method and will have a payment level suitable to their income. The State has policies to support participants to pay social insurance premiums to enjoy retirement and survivorship benefits.
Compulsory social insurance contributions

Employees pay the amount: 10.5% of the total salary.
The enterprise pays: 21.5% of the total salary of the employee.
Social insurance system in Vietnam today

BH pain mode; Confidentiality regime on occupational accidents and diseases; Safe production mode; Unemployment regime; Dissertation mode; Medical security mode; Dog Mode.

Conditions for receiving pension

In order to enjoy the pension, an employee must have paid social insurance premiums for at least 20 years when he or she retires.

The retirement age is:

Male employees must be: 60 years old 3 months.
Female employees must be full: 55 years old 4 months.

2. Health insurance

Bảo hiểm y tế
Health Insurance

Health insurance is a type of insurance in the field of public health care. When paying for health insurance, you will be covered by insurance to pay the cost of medical examination and treatment when you go to the hospital.

Health insurance covers the cost of medical examination

Off-line medical examination and treatment: means you go to the correct registered hospital when you pay health insurance. At that time, you will be supported to pay the cost of medical examination with the rates of 80%, 95%, 100% depending on each subject if medical examination and treatment are on the right level.
Off-line medical examination and treatment: you register for medical examination at hospital A when you have insurance, but when you go back to hospital B, it is called an off-line examination. At this time, health insurance will pay the prescribed cost, including 40% of the cost for inpatient treatment at the central level; 100% of inpatient treatment costs at the provincial level; 100% of treatment costs at district level.
Two forms of Health Insurance

Compulsory health insurance: For compulsory health insurance, employees have to pay 4.5% based on monthly salary.
Voluntary health insurance.
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3. Unemployment insurance

Bảo hiểm thất nghiệp
Unemployment insurance

Unemployment insurance is the type of insurance you will receive when you are unemployed. When you are unemployed, you can apply for unemployment benefits, then you will receive monthly benefits. This amount depends on how much you pay monthly unemployment insurance while working.

Subjects entitled to unemployment insurance

After the employee terminates the labor contract at the enterprise and has full 12 months of paying unemployment insurance premiums. The unemployment insurance period is 24 months from the date of termination of the labor contract.

Monthly unemployment benefit = Salary x 60%.

Dossier for unemployment insurance benefits

To receive unemployment insurance benefits, you need to submit the following documents:

An application form for unemployment insurance benefits (according to a ready-made form).
Copy/original copy of termination decision, contract termination decision, dismissal decision, contract termination notice, disciplinary decision on forced termination.
Social insurance book.
Two 3x4 photos.
ID card, household registration book / temporary residence (notarized copy).
The above are the types of compulsory insurance for current employees, when employees sign a contract to work at an enterprise, they usually have to pay 3 types of insurance as above. Hope the article has helped you better understand your rights when signing any labor contract.

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