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Today, online sales have become popular, making the need to send goods to customers and find a unit that implements ship cod services with criteria such as: ensuring delivery time, saving shipping costs but also must ensure the quality of the goods during transportation. Accordingly, transportation services are increasingly widely developed. And one of them is the delivery service of Viettel Post. So, have you heard of Viettel Post's code shipping service yet? Let's find out some necessary information about this delivery service with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is Viettel Post's code shipping service?

Viettel Post is one of the reputable shipping units and receives the trust of customers, trusted and chosen by many sales shops. Especially if you are a seller or an online shop owner, you need to know all the information such as how to ship goods via Viettel, costs, look up the delivery journey of Viettel Post, etc. Ship goods to customers quickly and efficiently.

Viettel Post's COD shipping service is called "Cash on Delivery service", applied by the shipping unit Viettel Post nationwide, for both express delivery, guaranteed delivery and postage. to sue.

Viettel Post logo

2. Viettel Post COD shipping fee

Shipping fee is one of the factors that sellers (online business shop owners) are most concerned about. In a day, a good online shop (seller) can have more than hundreds of orders, if you can't find a reputable shipping unit with good freight, the shipping cost will greatly affect. to your shop profits. Every business unit wants  that the shipping cost will be low, the quality of the goods is guaranteed when it reaches the customer. If the cost is high, the goods are scratched and damaged during transportation, which will greatly affect the reputation of the shop.

According to reviews from shops and compared to other carriers, Viettel Post's COD shipping cost is average and stable. Currently, with domestic freight services, Viettel Post is providing 3 types of services which are:

Courier (VCN)
Express delivery (VHT)
Economical Delivery (VTK).
Each type of transportation has different and separate shipping services and costs, different delivery times, suitable for each needs of the online shop owner.

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3. How does Viettel Post ship code?

If you send goods at Viettel post offices, you only have to bring the goods to the post office and there will be staff at the post office to guide us specifically. And if we proceed to use the way to ship COD viettel via online form, here are the specific steps that we need to take:

The process of shipping code Viettel Post

Step 1: Download Viettel Post application and also use the application on wed to create an account

By downloading the application on your phone, it will help you easily operate anytime, anywhere with flexibility. So you can calculate the cost in advance easily, quickly and accurately.

In addition, to be able to use Viettel Post COD shipping service, we need to access Viettel Post's online website and create an account.

=> With these ways of creating accounts, we can create orders and track the movement of orders.

Step 2: Create order/bill of lading

After having a personal account, we have 2 ways to create an order:

Method 1: Click the plus sign “+” in the lower right corner of the screen and select create a new application.
Method 2: Select the item to create a domestic application / create an international application right on the main interface.
Then you proceed to enter all information about the sender and recipient such as full name, address, phone number as well as the amount to be collected accurately and accurately to avoid lost goods. Enter your cargo information so the app can help you calculate shipping costs for your package. Then choose a method of sending (superfast delivery, savings transfer, …). And finally we choose to send now.

Step 3: Wait for the goods

Once the system has announced the order has been created, you can create a new waybill, or during this time you can pre-pack your goods waiting to be delivered to the shipping staff.

Step 4: Track the order on the app, wait for delivery and receive the code

Look up bill of lading

You can completely track the status of your order to which stage it is shipped: If you use the application, it will save time because you can track your order continuously, while checking on Wedsite online, based on the order code that has been created, you can view it.

When the system has reported that the delivery process is complete, your cod for collection will be transferred to the account you have registered on Viettel Post's account.

Above are some instructions of giaphapdonggoi.net on how to send goods when registering

Viettel Post COD shipping service. Hope the above information will help you answer your questions. Good luck!

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