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If you want to understand how your business is doing financially, it's important to know your gross and net income. Especially for business investors, net income is the goal they are most interested in. So what exactly is net income? Why is net income an important metric? Let's find out with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

1. What is net income?

Net income is the total amount of money your business earns over a period of time, minus all expenses, taxes, and interest. It measures the profitability of your company. Next to revenue, this is the most important number in accounting.

Net income là gì?

What is net income?

Sometimes also called “net profit”, “net earnings” or simply “profit”, net income is the opposite of net loss, which is when your business makes a loss.

In commerce, net income is what a business is left with after all expenses, including wages and salaries, cost of goods or materials, and taxes. For an individual, net income is the amount "taken home" after tax deductions, health insurance, and retirement contributions. Ideally, net income is greater than expenditure to show financial health.

2. Why is net income an important metric?

When you're just looking at revenue, you're not looking at the big picture of the cost of running a business or its profitability. Similar to how you can't just look at your personal income to gauge your personal financial well-being (reviewing net worth is a better indicator). It is important to review all expenses and have a clear idea of how much money is coming in and how much is going out.

Tại sao Net income là một số liệu quan trọng?

Why is net income an important metric?

Net income can give you an overall idea of how a business is doing, because it shows profit after all deductions are deducted. If there's a big difference between gross and net income, it could be a warning sign. It could mean too high expenses, too low income, or both.

It's important to note that net income is just one metric to look at and it can vary from business to business.

Net income amounts can vary significantly from business to business based on how they choose to fund their company and assets. Net income also excludes capital expenditure. A certain business may have a pretty high net income relative to their earnings, but in reality, cash is flowing out. If a company has really expensive debt, its net income may be lower than that of their counterpart, who is actually less profitable but has less debt," explains Slemer.

Investors can review financial statements with net income to determine the financial health of the company they are investing in.

Net income is also relevant to investors, as businesses use net income to calculate earnings per share (EPS).

"Earnings per share (EPS) is net profit divided by the number of shares outstanding. If the company issues any preferred shares, it will also subtract those preferred dividends." , said Nate Tsang, founder and CEO at WallStreetZen. "EPS should increase every year to signal that a company is profitable; the total value of EPS at any given time is less important than regular growth."

Also, net income isn't just for businesses or investors to use. Individuals can use net income to create a budget based on their take-home pay, after taxes and deductions have been taken. In some ways, it can be more realistic when you budget with the money going into your account.

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3. How do you calculate net income?

To calculate net income, subtract total expenses from total sales, as shown in the following equation:

Làm thế nào để bạn tính Net income?

How do you calculate net income?

Net income = Total revenue - Total expenses

In this equation, revenue represents the total amount earned from the sale of the product along with income from elsewhere, including investments. Total expenses represent all costs - cost of goods sold (COGS), operating expenses, income taxes, interest and debt expenses, depreciation of fixed assets, and selling & administrative expenses ( selling and administrative expenses).

4. What is the difference between Gross Profit vs Net Income?

What is the difference between Gross Profit vs Net Income?

Gross profit is a partial picture of a company's profitability, while net income is the full picture. Gross profit does not take into account all of a company's costs and sources of income, but it shows how efficiently a company is operating based on the direct costs involved in producing its products. me. Income

Net takes into account all business expenses and revenue, and gives an accurate measurement of whether a company is making a profit or a loss.

Thus, it is enough to decipher the topic surrounding the term “What is Net Income”. Hope you will have the most accurate view of this indicator to be able to make the correct decision.

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