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In maritime transport, it is often difficult to determine the exact time the ship arrives at the berth or even the ship leaves the port. This is due to the many factors that ships are exposed to during their sea voyage. For this reason, the abbreviations ETA and ETD were created, providing approximate dates of the ship's voyage. Let's find out about ETA and ETD with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

1. Expanded ETD and ETA . Shortcuts
E.T.A. /ETA (Estimated / Expected Time of Arrival) – the expected date of entry of the vessel into port, an abbreviation used in the vessel's schedule.
E.T.D. /ETD (Estimated / Expected Time of Departure) – the expected date of departure of the vessel.

2. What is the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)?

What is the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)?

Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) is the amount of time it takes for a particular vehicle to reach its destination. It is a transportation term that defines the time remaining for certain aircraft, cars, boats or emergency services to arrive at their destination. Therefore, in simple terms, it informs the customer of the time at which the shipment can be expected. Therefore, the term is mainly intended to inform about the planned transit time of the goods, before the goods reach their destination.

For example:

ETA is also used metaphorically in situations that do not involve the physical transportation of goods, but rather an estimated description of the time it takes to complete a task. Accordingly, the abbreviation ETA is not used only for maritime transport. For example, a flight can be calculated based on the ETA speed the plane has traveled so far. The remaining distance is divided by the previously measured speed to estimate the time of approach. This particular method does not take into account any unexpected events (such as new wind direction) that may occur en route to the destination.

It is also commonly used in business environments. For the importer, knowledge of the product's ETA is crucial. Similarly, the company manager wants to know the ETAs of the tasks performed by his subordinates, and the consultant informs the client about the ETAs of his projects. In computer science, ETA is used for calculations performed by a computer program. In addition, emergency services provide patients or healthcare facilities with information about their expected arrival time so that they are fully prepared to participate in a rescue operation.

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3. What is the Estimated Time of Departure (ETD)?

What is Estimated Time of Departure (ETD)?

ETD is the scheduled departure date of the train. This time will be calculated based on information about the ship's journey, speed components, weather and position of the ship.

In the case of shipping, the ETD provides information on the date the shipment left the previously mentioned seaport or airport. As a result, the parcel collection agent or the customer can track the parcel's status.

Use ETD - for example:

Without a doubt, one of the most popular uses of ETA is in public transport, where the movements of trains, buses, and planes can be used to generate estimated arrival times depending on into static timetables or traffic measurements. It is therefore often associated with the concept of ETD - estimated time of departure, which acts as a supplement to transport information. Thereby indicating the estimated departure time. This information is often supported by a passenger information system as part of an integrated intelligent transportation system.

4. How are ETD and ETA calculated?

How are ETD and ETA calculated?

ETD and ETA depend on factors such as vessel schedules, tunneling and maintenance stops, and also on known conditions at different ports - at departure and en route, such as labor problems, wharf congestion,...

The carrier may change the given ETD and ETA based on any of the factors above. Weather and rough seas are other reasons why cruise ships depart late or arrive late.

Some marine delay insurers categorize these factors into inshore and ship-related factors:

The shore-side factors are the conditions that affect the departure of ships such as labor unrest, traffic congestion, transportation problems at ports, infrastructure problems, etc.
Vessel-related factors are those that affect the arrival of the ship to the port such as delays due to weather, mechanical breakdown of the ship en route, etc.
So, above is some information about ETA and ETD that Giaiphapdonggoi.net has introduced to you. We hope that the information we provide through this article has given you a complete answer about ETA and ETD. Good luck!

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