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Almost everyone has heard of the word inch - a familiar word to say the size of TV screens, desktop computers, laptops, etc. But do you know how many centimeters is 1 inch? Perhaps there are also people who know but the number of people who know will be very small because it is a specialized unit that only refers to electronic specifications. Let's learn about inches as well as how to convert to centimeters through the following article.

1. What is inch?
Inch is a unit used to indicate the size of electronic screens such as televisions, computers, laptops, etc. Inches (inches) are denoted by a double comma above the number (1", 2"). According to ISO 31-1, the international standard symbol for inches is “in” (annex A). The length represented by 1 inch may not be the same in many systems.

1 yard = 36 inches and 1 foot = 12 inches.

Inches are units of length, square inches are units of area and cubic inches are units of volume.

2. How to convert 1 inch to cm?
1 inch = 2.54cm

So to convert inches to centimeters, you just need to multiply the number of inches by 2.54, for example: 4 inches = 4 * 2.54 = 10.16cm.

Or you can use Google to search by entering the search keyword “? inch = cm” (where ? is the number of inches you want to convert to cm) then press search, the results will be displayed immediately.

In addition, we can also convert inches into other units such as Kilometers (km), Meters (m), Decimeters (dm), Millimeters (mm), Micrometers (μm), Nanometers (nm).

Thus, 1 inch converts to other commonly used units of length as follows:

1 inch = 2.54*10-5 km
1 inch = 0.0254 m
1 inch = 0.254 dm
1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 inch = 25,400 μm
1 inch = 25,400,000 nm
3. Ways to convert 1 inch to cm
To convert 1 inch to cm, we will have the following ways to change:

Method 1: Change according to the available formula

According to international conventions, we have the following conversion formula:

The general formula for converting inches to centimeters and vice versa centimeters to inches is:

inches = cm *0.39370.

Centimeters = inches / 0.39370.

=> 1 inch = 2.54cm = 25.4mm = 0.0254m.

We will rely on the above available formula to change them in the easiest way.

For example: You have a 60-inch TV and you want to convert to cm, just take 60 x 2.54 = 152.4cm

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Method 2: Change according to the international conversion table

We can choose how to convert inches to centimeters by relying on the international conversion table. This is the most standard conversion table prepared by the International Metrology Association. This conversion table includes sample data and figures for users to easily convert inches to centimeters. You just have to look up the table above to compare and convert. This is very convenient and very useful.

Method 3: Change according to websites on google

Currently, with the increasingly modern development of information technology, it is easier to find out and solve problems by using google. To convert 1 inch for how many centimeters you can use this method.

You go to Google and search as follows: “1 in = cm” or “1 inch = cm” then press the search button or enter and it will give you a series of accurate and fast results.

You can also go to google to download conversion software such as: ConvertWorld… After downloading, you can look up the following steps:

Step 1: Visit the Convert Word page. Then you choose the item size, length.
Step 2: You select the unit you want to convert in the options bar, select inches and then you can see the units you want to convert.
In summary, above is the information on how to convert inches to centimeters that we share with you. It will help you know how to switch easily so that you can choose the right size product line for your family.

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