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Businesses partner with Influencers to promote their products and services to a wider audience. There are many different Influencers and businesses looking for people who have a unique voice and trusted relationship with their large number of followers. In this article, let's join Giaiphapdonggoi.net to discuss what an Influencer is!

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1. What are influencers?

What are Influencers?

An Influencer is someone who has the ability to influence the behavior of others due to their audience size or personal persuasion. Influencers can exert influence through the overall size of their audience (total reach) or through their authority and reputation within a smaller community of people.

Influencers are of interest to companies looking to pursue influencer marketing. Influencer marketing grew out of the common practice of celebrity endorsements. A typical form of influencer marketing involves a brand paying influencers to mention or promote their products.

Influencer marketing is especially popular in the health and fitness industry, with Instagram being a popular influencer marketing platform. However, influencer marketing refers to any marketing program that aims to increase mentions of an influencer's brand.

2. Why does your brand need influencers?

Why does your brand need influencers?

An influencer is an online figure that influences the purchasing decisions of their followers based on their reputation. They use their online presence, mostly on social media platforms and blogs, to partner with the brands they use and create content promoting the companies' products or services. there. This partnership can help influencers build their own personal brands and increase sales and customer loyalty to a business.

Consumers trust recommendations from third parties more often than brands themselves. It makes sense if you think about it in a more personal context; you usually don't trust a person at a cocktail party to come up to you and brag about themselves and reveal interesting facts about their personality to convince you to become friends. Instead, you usually trust your mutual friend who vouches for that person.

An Influencer is a mutual friend that connects your brand with your target consumers. When you pair up with an Influencer, they not only engage their audience, but also bring in their audience network. Due to audience loyalty, Influencers have the ability to drive traffic to your website, increase your social media visibility, and sell your products through referrals or experience stories. their.

With the demise of traditional outbound marketing, Influencer marketing is becoming one of the most effective ways to attract customers and clients. Today's consumers are blind to billboards and deaf to advertisements. They are self-sufficient and want to research a brand on their own and hear about it from someone they trust.

How do influencers help you with inbound marketing? They're creating content about your brand, they're showcasing your brand to their loyal followers, and they're inserting themselves into the conversations around your brand. Getting them to side with you over your competitors can make a big difference in the success (or lack thereof) of your company or product.

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3. Types of Influencers

Here are the different types of influencers that companies work with:

Types of Influencers

Famous people

An influential celebrity is usually a professional performer or athlete who uses their fame to promote a product or brand. Celebrities appear in TV commercials, in magazines, and may even use their own social media presence to promote the company.

Industry leader

Industry leaders are people who are considered to be experts in their field, due to their experience and knowledge, thus leading to respect. Industry leaders also tend to have large audiences online, which can help expose products to more people. If someone with a high reputation in a niche endorses a product, this can affect others who look to that industry leader.

Example: A technology company might work with an industry leader with a strong reputation in internet marketing. The industry leader has published numerous white papers and blogs on strategies and best practices, has proven successful in marketing small businesses, and has a large online following.

a social network of people seeking advice. To become an influencer, this person will find products in their niche to promote. In this case, a business that has created a new SEO tool can partner with an industry leader, because the leader's voice has an impact on its target audience.

Content creators

Content creators are famous online personalities who produce content, such as bloggers, vloggers, graphic artists, podcasters and more. They become influencers by building a large community of online supporters and large social media followers.

For example, a travel photographer might create an Instagram account to share their best work with their followers. They can post regularly and interact with their followers to build community and garner support. Once their social media accounts attract enough followers, they can have some influence in their niche. They may then be asked to promote products and services that their followers may be interested in, like camera equipment, photography apps, and travel services.

Micro influencers

A small influencer is someone who has a small but targeted social following but isn't required to be an expert in their field. This type of influencers are usually those who show off their passions or interests on social media. Someone can be considered a minor influencer if their social channel has between 2,000 and 50,000 followers. Businesses love working with small influencers because they can target a very specific niche.

Example: Someone might start an Instagram account about their dog. They can post pictures of their dogs or provide updates about them. Followers can be other people who have dogs or people who like dogs. If a business creates a new dog food, they can ask this small influencer to promote the product in one of their posts. This now exposes their product to the exact audience they want to target.

Another aspect that brands look at is your reputation, which can represent your values and professionalism. Many brands look for influencers that align with their company's values, mission, and goals. Creating a consistent, responsible reputation can help you better align yourself with your potential client's values.

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