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Payroll accounting is considered an indispensable position in the human resources apparatus in most businesses. As the name suggests, payroll accounting is often quickly understood as the position responsible for wages for employees. However, there is still a lot of other important work that the payroll accountant has to do. Therefore, it is necessary to understand exactly and fully what is payroll accounting? What is the job of a payroll accountant? Let's find out with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

1. What is Payroll Accounting?

Paymaster Accountant is an employee who is responsible for accounting wages based on available data such as timesheets, work tracking sheets, overtime vouchers, labor contracts, and employment contracts. ... make payroll, pay salary and corresponding monthly insurance regime for employees of that enterprise. Payroll accounting plays an important role in ensuring money rights and benefits for employees - correctly calculating, fully calculating, paying enough salary and allowances, allowances and bonuses to employees according to regulations. determined - help them feel secure in their work. focus on work - minimize conflicts arising from disagreements or disputes related to money - help businesses stabilize production - manage human resources more effectively and conveniently.

What are Payroll Accounting?

Payroll accounting, in addition to calculating reasonable and accurate salaries for employees, must also ensure a balance of costs for businesses.

2. The job of the salary accountant to do in the business

Daily attendance, manage and track the attendance of employees in the company.

Kế toán tiền lương là gì?

Make timesheets according to regulations or available templates of the business
Daily management and supervision to ensure the timekeeping of employees is fully and accurately done.
Record and reflect promptly and fully the current situation, developments in both quantity and quality of labor, employment situation, labor results and time of severance for superiors or employees. Record in books for accurate salary accounting.

The job of the salary accountant to do in the business

Manage advance salary of employees in the company

Specify the salary advance for employees according to % of monthly salary or according to the individual money value of each employee.
Make advance payment sheet and advance payment slip according to regulations or available form.
Receive advance information and process advance salary for employees upon request.
Manage monthly salary advance information of each employee and the whole enterprise.
Manage main pay period

Build pay period according to criteria such as salary type, working hours, salary period start and end date.
Calculate income or deduct salary at the end of the period for employees.
Calculating salary, calculating salary and deductions according to salary

Build a detailed salary scale for each employee based on employee salary information, salary period information and timesheet.
Check all documents related to leave, employee's regimes are consistent with the timesheet.
Periodically perform salary calculation for employees on the basis of timesheets, bonuses, allowances, deductions (social insurance, personal income, etc., if any) according to regulations.
It is responsible to include the monthly salary advance calculation sheet in the end-of-term payroll to calculate the salary received for each employee.
Finalize payroll and send it to Chief Accountant and Director for approval on time.
Manage non-salary income when finalizing PIT at the end of the year.
Periodically pay salaries to employees in a timely and accurate manner according to regulations. Calculating and allocating accurately and to the right objects of salary, deductions for social insurance, health insurance, and labor unions.
Other jobs

Periodically prepare PIT finalization reports, social insurance reporting forms according to regulations.
Make periodical reports on salary, social insurance, health insurance and labor union according to regulations.
Update new income calculation parameters when employees are promoted - increase salary, apply the salary calculation method at the end of the period for employees.
Inspect and supervise the observance of policies and regimes on labor, wages, social insurance, health insurance and trade union funds; inspect the use of salary fund, social insurance, health insurance, and union funds for employees.
Coordinating with relevant departments to prepare reports analyzing changes in labor quantity and quality; Make suggestions if needed.
Store relevant accounting data, books and documents as prescribed.
Perform other related tasks as assigned by superiors.

3. What are the recruitment criteria for salary accountants?

In order to successfully complete the assigned tasks, enterprises often recruit salary accountants who meet the following requirements:

Công việc của kế toán tiền lương cần làm trong doanh nghiệp

What are the recruitment criteria for a payroll accountant?

Understanding of HR policies and salary
Read and understand payroll, labor contracts, books and documents,

understand the regimes, policies on reward and PIT calculation as a basis for calculating and checking salary costs for employees.
It is necessary to understand clearly about the labor contract, especially the items of salary, bonus, allowance, insurance of employees. Know how to make a scientific timesheet.
Proficient in the use of office computers, especially word, excel and accounting software
Careful, agile, honest, limiting errors causing loss of income of employees or the budget of enterprises
Ability to work independently or in a team, effectively coordinate with other accounting positions such as tax accountant, debt accountant,...

4. Salary and job opportunities of salary accountant

Mức lương và cơ hội việc làm của kế toán tiền lương
Salary and job opportunities of Payroll Accountant

The average salary of a salary accountant currently ranges from 3.5 to 8 million VND/month. However, this is not an exact number because the salary received depends quite a lot on the size of the unit, the amount of work as well as the experience of that individual. That means if you try harder, gain more experience and your qualifications, the salary you get will also increase accordingly.

Currently, the number of startups, restaurant and hotel businesses is increasing rapidly. In addition, our country is in the process of economic development integrating with gender, so it is increasingly attracting foreign investors to Vietnam. In front of such a large number of companies, the job opportunities of payroll accountants are very open.

In particular, the role and work of the payroll accountant in the enterprise is very important. Because businesses need them to account for workers' salaries accurately and in balance with the business's budget. Therefore, it can be said that payroll accounting is one of the hottest professions today. Most of the graduates after accumulating enough necessary knowledge will find jobs and have many opportunities for promotion later.

The job of a payroll accountant is more about professional knowledge than practical experience. Moreover, even a small error in the calculation also greatly affects the interests of the company as well as the individual employees. Therefore, you need to carefully learn the necessary knowledge and always train yourself to be careful. Hope the information shared here will be helpful for readers.

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