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When you apply for a job, employers may want more information than just a copy of your resume and cover letter. The company may require what are called "supporting documents" to complete your application. Knowing what to include and how to include it will help you stay ready for the role. For many workers, especially fresh graduates, preparing a standard resume is difficult. Let's find out with Giaiphapdonggoi.net about what kind of documents the resume includes!

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1. Locally certified curriculum vitae

Local certified autobiographical curriculum vitae

This is a very important document, no matter what job you are applying for. Resume is a summary of personal information of the person making the resume: full name, address, phone number, family information, qualifications, ... for the purpose of easy hiring for employers. . Get basic information about the candidate.

Preparing a resume is also quite simple, as there are ready-made templates that are sold with the resume. Candidates only need to fill in the information and bring it to the People's Committee of the commune or ward where they reside for confirmation.

2. Application form

Job application

A cover letter is an integral part of a job application. Application forms are usually handwritten or typed, and you can also purchase a pre-packaged form and complete it.

However, no matter how you write it, your cover letter needs to show your desire, desire to work and show professionalism, showing that you are a potential candidate for the position you are applying for.

To be appreciated by employers, candidates should handwrite a job application to show their interest. The application form must be dated, signed by the applicant and not required to be notarized.

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3. CV for job application

CV for job application

CV stands for “Curriculum Vitae” - is a brief summary of information about your education, skills and experience. A good CV is one that highlights the skills you have and the characteristics that set you apart from other candidates for the job the employer is looking for.

A CV is often translated as a resume, but in essence, a CV is a summary of information about the candidate's education, work experience, and skills related to the job that the candidate wants to apply for. autobiography.

Currently, CV is often seen by employers first when receiving a job application of any candidate. CV plays an important role in providing information to employers and therefore, candidates should prepare carefully and skillfully. While an effective CV doesn't mean you won the job, it's an important factor in your chances of being shortlisted for an interview.

Besides, candidates can also create CVs from templates available on online CV making websites, both simple and convenient. If your CV is seriously invested, focusing on both content and form, your chances of being interviewed will be higher. Take note of this to score points with the employer.

4. Health certificate

This is a document to verify the current health of the candidate, as well as to ensure that this person's health will meet the job, thereby creating confidence for the employer.

There are two types of medical examination papers when applying for a job: A4 2-sided paper and 2-sided A3 paper (4 sides). Depending on the job position and requirements in different fields, the company will have different requirements for a health certificate. You go to hospitals, commune health stations, wards, etc. to check and get a health certificate. If it's lost, you should make 2-3 copies to send to many companies. However, this type of paper only has a shelf life of 6 months, so remember to consider the quantity to be enough.

5. Relevant degrees and certificates

Relevant degrees and certificates

Photocopies of university and college diplomas and other certificates, if any (foreign languages, reasoning, ...) and notarized. If you are a recent graduate and have not received your degree, you can use a provisional graduation certificate instead. This is not only a mandatory condition for some positions that employers require, it is also evidence of the information the candidate has declared in his resume or CV.

6. Card image (3x4 or 4x6)

A portrait photo should also be posted on the outside of the resume cover page and inside the resume template. Through portrait photos, employers will have a better overview and first impressions of you. At the same time, it helps candidates have the opportunity to receive the love of employers.

Depending on the job, the employer may require candidates to submit 2 to 3 3 × 4 or 4 × 6 photos for application or as an employee card, for health insurance, etc.

7. Proof of multiplication

people, household registration book, birth certificate
If the vacancy requires identification documents such as birth certificate, identity card (citizen identification) also need to be photocopy, notarized and prepared, this is also to prove more clearly for the candidate. for the candidate's resume.

Thus, Giaiphapdonggoi.net has introduced the information so that you can prepare a resume for yourself. Hope you find a job soon.

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