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Today, with the development of technology, economy and many other fields, many people not only work but also enjoy their lives. Penhouses are built more and more to meet that need. Find out the interesting things at the penhouse only in the article below!

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1. What is a Penhouse?

Penthouse is a concept used to describe apartments located on the top floors of massive buildings.
In architectural terms, a penthouse is a phrase used to refer to structures located above the roof of a high-rise building, surrounded by walls, but specifically not occupying the entire roof.


Learn what is the concept of penhouse?

Today's penthouses are built more and more and have many different design styles from European, Asian, ... Always give owners a new and exciting feeling when owning an apartment. luxurious penthouse please smooth

2. The special features of the penhouse

Features of the penthouse that you should know

Many rich people in many countries always look for penthouses. Have we ever questioned why these penthouses attract so many people? On every occasion of traveling to luxurious places, the penthouse is always the number 1 choice for the rich. The answer to this question is:
+ Penthouse apartments have the highest position in buildings from the center to the suburbs

+ Takes up a lot more ground than most standard apartments

+ The Penhouse has its own luxuriously designed staircase and is located right inside the apartment

The features that make the penthouse special include:
- The layout of the apartment is designed to be airy, especially with a view, exposed to a lot of air, the penhouses must save a large amount of power consumption for equipment from lighting to cooling systems for the apartment. household
- Minimize the partitions of the apartment between rooms, except for the bathroom or bedroom.
Luxury and expensive penthouses will often be equipped with a bar, private swimming pool, restaurant, etc.

3. What criteria to evaluate a penthouse?

It can be said that the more expansion of the penhouse, the more standards it sets to get a comprehensive penhouse in terms of all conditions as well as meeting the maximum requirements of customers. Here are a few basic criteria for assessing the value of a luxury and satisfied penthouse:
+ Must have a cool, beautiful view, not obscured or too dark (not located in alleys or hidden corners).
+ Should and preferably should have at least 2 floors connected. This is the basic condition of a basic penhouse that needs to be present to make customers have a good view of the penhouse.
+ Separate stairs between floors located in the apartment to facilitate moving between floors inside the penhouse
+ Equipped with high-class and luxurious furniture. Worthy of its value and height, the entire interior of the penthouse is also invested worthy of the value and what customers spend to rent a penhouse.
+ The space is limited to the maximum partition wall, should only be separated between private rooms such as bedrooms, bathrooms.


Standards to create luxury beauty for penhouses

>>Do the above shares make you curious to own a penthouse or not. Or try from today to get yourself a worthy penhouse in the near future! Don't forget to follow us for more great knowledge only at Giaiphapdinggoi.net! Thank you for reading the entire article.

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