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It can be said that content sales staff is a profession that is appearing and becoming more and more popular today. Many young people are flocking to this road. But what does content sales do? How and where to do it? Let's find out with  giaiphapdonggoi.net in the article below!

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1. What is a content sales employee?

Content sales staff is a phrase that refers to the work of people who write and create articles to attract and increase users' visits to their products and brands. Nowadays, the position of content sales staff is expanding more and more fields, for example, a content sales employee can run ads, do seo, ...


The concept of content sales staff

2. What are the jobs of a content sales employee?

In a company, the content sales staff is not limited to just one job, which is writing. They also experiment and try their hand at various tasks related to their technical expertise. Specifically like:

They are responsible for creating content that is intended to engage viewers with their products and brands. Thereby promoting interaction between customers and businesses, pulling customers closer to the company's products.
Understand and ensure editorial requirements including how articles are developed. Understand basic SEO knowledge, content classification, content distribution and evaluation.
Participate in the activity of proposing strategies to develop marketing and activities related to the relationship between customers and the company's product lines.
Coordinate with marketing departments to strengthen marketing strategies from which to draft draft plans for business action goals towards customers.
Create content that is unique, creative and grabs the attention of users. Receive feedback from viewers about the quality of articles and products from which to outline what needs to be fixed to perform better in the future.
Teamwork with many departments, connecting many people together.
Conduct periodical reporting of results and activities carried out in their area of expertise

3. What skills does a content sales employee need?

To become a successful content salesperson, you must practice to acquire the following basic skills:
Information processing skills

Content sales staff need to be able to select information that matches the specific requirements of each article. Being agile in information processing knowing what information to include in the article will be a great advantage of a content sale.

Love and passion for work

Yes, passion can help you conquer all difficulties and challenges in life as well as work. With content sales, too, you need to have perseverance and daily efforts to ensure the quality of your work grows more and more. Passion can help you work with the most comfort without being tied to any influencing factors.

Know how to choose the right language for the target audience

This is absolutely necessary for a content sale. Your main job is still writing articles, so the ability to select and give the right words is also a necessity. Good words can make your article more polished and condensed when users read it. Words are something that can touch a person's heart but also kill it. So, try to refine your words


Required skills of a content sales

Have an aesthetic mindset

Creating the images in the article requires you to have an aesthetic mindset to choose beautiful images. This skill you can practice through the design tools available on google today!

4. Is the salary of a content sales employee high or low?

It can be said that although receiving content sales staff is an emerging industry, its volume is still not too high, ranging from 5-7 million. For those with more experience, it is possible to achieve an amount of 7-10 million, but for freelancers, this number is not enough to support them.

Above is all information about content sales staff. Hopefully we will have a broader view and larger goals with this work. If you have any questions, please contact us via hotline 0911 904 968

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