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Every day there is quite a lot of work to be done, without a system as well as control of the things that have not been done or done will lead to confusion, not knowing where to solve the work. Therefore, you should make a list of tasks to do and based on that to perform as well as track the progress of completing the work. Checklist is the concept for doing that. Let's find out about Checklist with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

1. What is a checklist?

What is a checklist?

Checklists, Control Lists, or Verification Lists are formats designed to perform repetitive operations, to verify lists of requirements. or to collect data in an orderly and systematic manner. They are used for systematic testing of activities or products ensuring that workers or testers do not forget anything important.

A checklist is a list of items you need to verify, check, or inspect. Checklists are used in every conceivable area - from building inspections to complex medical surgeries.

2. The main use of checklist

The main use of checklist

Verify the development of activities where it is important not to forget any steps, or where tasks must be performed with an established sequence.
Check and record the points that have been checked.
Check the correct implementation of standards or procedures.
Collect information to analyze where incidents and nonconformities occur. Helps to check the cause of defects.
Verify product specifications.
Collect data for further analysis.
In a nutshell, these lists are often used to perform routine checks and inspections, and to ensure that workers don't forget anything in their day-to-day work.

The advantage of using a checklist is that it allows you to systematize the repetitive activities and controls that we have to perform, and later it can be used as a record of tasks. that we do every day.

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3. How to use a checklist?
It is important that your checklist is clearly written and that it can include all the information that you may need as you develop your tasks.

Here you have a list of things that a checklist should include:

Things that must be controlled, measured or verified.
Criteria for potential conformance and nonconformity (what is true and what is false).
Frequency to be checked: frequency of inspection.
Who performs the task or verify.
The procedures, specifications and rules applied in the activities being examined.
In addition, we should have space to write thank you notes, to allow workers to write any observations, and to get preliminary information on the possible reasons for any disagreement. .

On the other hand, the checklist can also be used to collect data, it can be used to build charts, graphs or diagrams to control the development of a feature or activity. They can also be used to report daily performance.

4. Steps to Create a Rigorous and Reliable Checklist

Steps to create a rigorous and reliable checklist

There is no perfect checklist, but if you follow these simple steps, you will arrive at a rigorous and reliable checklist. You can also use our excellent iPad and iPhone apps to manage checklists and test and inspection results.

Make each entry clear and concise.

It is important that each item on your checklist is understandable by the user of the checklist. What is a checklist if no one can understand it? Each entry should also be concise to ensure it is as easy to use as possible.

Group your items by category.

Short checklists don't need categories, but longer lists can quickly get out of hand. By organizing your items by category, you can quickly navigate to the section of the checklist you're working on. Don't over-sort and be sure to use simple category names to ensure you can quickly find the checklist item you're looking for.

Make each item actionable.

This is very important. The power of checklists is that you can take action on each item and make sure you're meeting that item's purpose. If the items on your checklist are too vague or vague, you'll tick that box, but have you actually done it? Saying things like “Check for safe exit” is too vague, you should try breaking it down into

subcategories, such as “Check the safe exit for obstacles”, “Check if the safety exit sign is lit”, “Check if the safety exit door opens properly” … By breaking down items into actions, you make your checklist much more powerful.

Don't skip anything on the list.

What is the purpose of the checklist if you omit a question or category? It is important that your checklist is fully utilized each time, if you find yourself skipping questions you should ask if the checklist is properly formatted for your purposes.

Make sure your notes, evidence or other results are used to improve performance.

Some checklists are just tick boxes to complete, but you can certainly have richer checklists that allow you to define the next items. For each item, you can answer affirmative (yes), negative (no), not applicable (n/a), or mark as incomplete. You should also take note of what could be improved. If possible, visual, video, or audio evidence will augment the findings on your checklist. In the end, you can always define next steps to fix any items you're having issues with. And remember, a checklist must continually improve as you use it.

So what is a checklist? It's certainly not a simple list of questions, a checklist is a detailed set of concise and actionable items that can be used over and over again to identify weaknesses or flaws in your process and make sure you stay on top of those puzzling details.

Above is the information about the checklist that Giaiphapdonggoi.net has provided to you. Good luck with your audits, verifications and checklists.

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