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Dispatch is a type of administrative document used in many different economic, social and legal fields. With each field, the dispatch will be directed to different purposes. To better understand what is the dispatch? And all kinds of official documents, please follow the following article of Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is Dispatch?

Dispatch is a common form of administrative document commonly used in units, agencies, organizations, enterprises, official dispatch is considered as the official means of communication between state agencies and superiors. subordinates and citizens.

Even in enterprises and social organizations, they must regularly draft and use official documents to carry out information and transaction activities under their authority.

Công văn là gì?

What is a dispatch?

An official letter is considered valid when it fully meets the following conditions:

Only write about a single issue, the text is clear, not ambiguous.
Language and ideas are short, concise, and close to the topic to be expressed.
Receive serious, historical and convincing people.
Comply with the correct format of the document and especially the summary of the content of the official letter.
Among agencies, organizations and businesses operating in Vietnam, it can be seen that Official Dispatch is used very commonly. For state agencies, official dispatch is considered as one of the official means of communication between state agencies and superiors, subordinates and citizens. More specifically, in social organizations and businesses, in daily activities, it is also necessary to draft and use official documents to carry out information and transaction activities in order to perform their functions and tasks.

2. What type of document is a dispatch?

Dispatch is a type of anonymous document, used for information transactions and business communication between organizations and authorities. The content of the letter will usually include the following issues:

Loại văn bản nào là một công văn?

What type of document is a dispatch?

Present one or more issues related to the operation of the unit, agency or organization
Direct the implementation of documents and directions of superiors if there is no legal document or operation charter of the unit, agency or organization.
Report on certain planned documents and events
Requests to clarify some issues in the operation of units, departments, associations and policies of previous documents have not been clearly guided.
R directs superiors to approve plans to direct his views on subordinates' work.
Visit, reply to the dispatch, thank you.

3. Characteristics of dispatch and scope of use

Administrative documents have their own characteristics, which can be classified and identified with other types of documents. Dispatch documents will have the following salient features:

Đặc điểm của công văn và phạm vi sử dụng

Features of dispatch and scope of use

The official dispatch is not a legal document, but the order and procedures are clear and fast, suitable for urgent cases.
There are different forms of correspondence that are used for different purposes.
Must not be undertaken by agencies, organizations, associations or units. However, the official letter can be issued by an individual if the legal documents, the organization's charter.
Scope of use of the dispatch

Dispatch is not a legal document, so it is not valid for all people, agencies, units, organizations and businesses. Dispatch is only valid and valid for individuals, units, agencies, organizations and enterprises that receive the official dispatch.
These subjects are responsible for complying with the request and contents of the official dispatch and replying to the official dispatcher on the receipt of the official dispatch or the requested content of the official dispatch, if it is a written request for proposal or idea. opinions or results of the execution of that dispatch.
Dispatch is a type of document that does not specify the validity period and expiration date of the document like ordinary administrative documents. The time of expiration of the official dispatch is when the contents of the work and events in the official dispatch have ended or a new official dispatch is available.

4. Types of official documents

Based on the purpose of promulgation, official documents are classified into the following categories:

Các loại công văn

Types of documents

Instruction letter
Instructional dispatch is a type of document guiding a number of contents that have been prescribed but are unclear or not yet specified in legal documents, internal documents, regulations of units, agencies or organizations. organizations and enterprises at the request of subordinates.

Letter of explanation
Explanatory letter is a document used to concretize and detail the contents of other documents on the performance of a certain job that the agency or individual has not yet received, may not understand correctly about the documents. regulations.

Basically, the instruction letter and the explanatory letter are quite similar, so many people will misunderstand these two types of documents.

Directive letter
Directive dispatch is the official letter of superiors notifying subordinate agencies and departments about the work to be implemented and performed. The content of this type of document is similar to the directive document, so the subjects

Care should be taken when using this type of text.

Dispatch to urge and remind
Dispatch to urge and remind is a type of official letter from superiors reminding and correcting subordinates when performing activities, jobs, measures and decisions that have been requested to be performed before.

Request letter
A written request is a letter from a subordinate agency or department to a superior or an agency or division of the same level to request or request that agency or division to provide information and deal with official dispatches related to the issue. duties and powers of such agencies.

Response letter
Dispatch replying to the issues requested by agencies, units, organizations and enterprises within their competence, tasks and powers.

Dispatch to consult
Dispatch from subordinates requesting superiors to direct and guide the performance of one or several jobs when having problems.

5. Requirements on the layout of a letter

When drafting a dispatch, certain conditions must be met:

Yêu cầu về bố cục của một công văn

Requirements for the layout of a letter

The content of the dispatch should only revolve around a single topic.
The language in the dispatch should be short, concise and closely related to the issue being discussed.
Respectful, serious, highly persuasive.
Comply with the form in accordance with the law, especially the official dispatch for retrieval.
The layout of the letter should comply with the following contents:

National motto
Sending place and time to send dispatch
Name of governing body, issuing organization
Recipient of dispatch
Number, attach the initials of the official letter
Purpose of letter writing
Signature, red mark, verbatim name
Where to send dispatch
Through the above article, Giaiphapdonggoi.net has helped readers answer questions about the concept of "what is a dispatch?". We hope that the information we share will help you better understand the dispatch.

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