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Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards a common goal. In a business setting, this means giving employees and colleagues a strategy to meet the needs of the company. In the article below, let's find out what Leader is with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is a leader?

Leadership captures the essentials of being able and prepared to inspire others. Effective leadership is based on ideas - both original and borrowed - that are effectively communicated to others in a way that engages them enough to act as the leader wants them to.

Leaders inspire others to act and direct how they act. They must be personable enough for others to follow their orders, and they must have the critical thinking skills to know how best to use the resources at their disposal.

Leader là gì?

What is a leader?

A leader is someone who does the right thing. They choose not to do so because someone is looking or might notice, but because it is the right thing to do. And this often happens in difficult or challenging circumstances.

Leaders look for solutions. Leaders don't go to their manager about a problem and ask for it to be fixed. They identify a problem and think about potential solutions. Then they present the problem and solution to look for opportunities to create change.

If you're not sure if this is the quality you're holding onto, think back to a time when you had a challenge in a team. It could be in team sports or in a workgroup at school or university.

2. Important qualities of a leader

Do you take the lead in defining what needs to be achieved, pinpointing individual skill sets, and delegating work tasks? This is management. However, if you create a vision for success and drive the team's commitment to achieving that vision, then this is leadership.

Những phẩm chất quan trọng của leader

Important qualities of a leader

Leaders will often choose tasks that no one else wants to do, in order to push the team forward in accomplishing their goals. Leaders are committed to what needs to be done and instill confidence in those around them that challenges can be achieved.

Achieving success is accomplished through:

Determine the outcome to be achieved.
Create a vision of what is possible and share it with the team.
Details of the action to be taken.
Delegate work appropriately.
Motivate others to achieve goals through belief in the vision.
Managers will often take on the role of defining outcomes and required actions and delegating tasks. But not all managers will take the lead in all of the above tasks.

Leaders often sit in a team or a group without taking on the role of an active manager or captain. They can often articulate the vision and bring others into the picture. Inspiring teammates on the journey, these natural-born leaders are key members of every team.

The best leaders share several key qualities:

Honesty and ethical behavior.
Committed results.
Passion, energy and enthusiasm.
Willing to do the dirty work.
Ability to encourage and support others.
Acknowledge the efforts and achievements of others.
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3. What does it take to be a great leader?

Being a Leader can be very difficult. There is a balance between creating a strategy and supporting and guiding others to implement that strategy to manage. The politics and pressures associated with being in leadership positions can be exhausting on a good day and overwhelming on a bad day. Making decisions that affect your business and a group of individuals closely following your lead is a responsibility that can sometimes create feelings of stress. Building a resilient mindset is often the missing link for leaders who don't want to stop being an effective leader, but want to be an outstanding leader. Resilience is the key to effectively dealing with leadership challenges and driving leadership performance to thrive in your leadership position.

Cần gì để trở thành một nhà lãnh đạo tài ba?

What does it take to be a great leader?

Flexibility is perhaps one of the most important elements of good leadership. Not everything will go as planned, and somewhere, someone will throw a wrench at work. Competitors may change their tactics, governments may enforce new regulations, suppliers may encounter their own problems, or even natural disasters may block the way forward. set. A truly great Leader can quickly adapt to these new situations and

Figure out how to work around them, instead of wallowing in unhappiness, giving up or trying to move on with the plan.

The ability to communicate effectively is a fundamental skill for anyone who wants to be successful in business. But communication doesn't always mean saying the right words. It also means you can empathize with your team and live up to the promises you make in those inspirational speeches. Letting your strengths show and creating confidence in the way you communicate is one of the most powerful tools a leader can use.

Courage is a fickle thing, but extremely important in a great leader. A leader needs to be able to stand alone and against what they believe in. Having the courage to do what you believe will work is sometimes one of the hardest things. With courage also comes determination and patience - the ability to stand your ground and not succumb to negativity or disruptive pressure, and the patience to keep going down the difficult road until the end. when they hold their heads high, no matter the outcome.

Humility and presence
A good leader usually commands the attention of the room, sometimes even without speaking. This level of presence is not something you are born with. It is a quality that should be achieved through employee respect, hard work and honesty at every step of the journey. Presence is often the result of humility in a Leader. An employee's aloof or superior behavior has the potential to cause dislike and disruption, resulting in a negative environment. Instead, a good leader can listen to their employees, speak on their level, and earn their trust.

And finally we come to the last of the six qualities - responsibility. The ability to raise your hand and admit when you've done something wrong never comes easy. When there is an error to accept the fault of the business, the owner and leader must be the one to accept the fault. But being accountable also means being able to reward and congratulate your employees and spread praise and appreciation in the right places can go a long way. When a business owner can admit mistakes and congratulate the people who really deserve it, a leader is born.

Leader is an English term, translated into Vietnamese it means "Leader". In the sense of a leader, a leader is someone who sets the direction, has the ability to create an inspiring concrete plan, and to create something new. Hopefully after this article you can understand what a Leader is and understand the basic elements of a Leader.

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