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The media crisis is becoming a painful problem for most media workers. What is the cause of this condition? How to handle a media crisis. Let's find out these things in the article below with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is crisis communication?

A media crisis is understood as a situation occurring on the network that is beyond or beyond the control of the subject of a communication crisis. The media crisis is always sought after by the press and media systems, which negatively affects the product or brand image of a company or business. It is a form of information dissemination by subjects affected by the media crisis in a negative way


Communication crisis concept

For example, a person or a company is exposed for selling low-quality products. This could lead to the downfall of that person or company's business

2. Stages of crisis communication process

When you find yourself in a media crisis, what you need to do right away is to handle them peacefully to avoid leaving a scandal for your product or brand., this process includes the following stages:

1. Before I knew it the communication crisis happened
2. During transmission suffered by social media crisis
3. After the process of going through the social media crisis
In order to effectively solve the communication crisis, it is necessary to focus on building a specific and effective strategy, one mistake can blow away a person's career and a company.


3. Signs of communication crisis

It is not difficult for us to identify whether we are falling into a communication crisis or not. For example, when you fall into this situation, it will often be on your personal page that many people will jump in and leave negative or bad comments about you, or you can see everywhere online. Your image is about a very bad topic. This happening in the long run can have dire consequences for your career. Because social networks are a double-edged sword, if used well, it will help you develop further, if not used well, it will stab us at any time.


4. Attitude to prepare when falling into a media crisis

When you accidentally fall into a crisis situation, you need to prepare yourself for the following postures:
Prepare mentally
Prepare yourself mentally to find the best ways to handle it quickly when you are in the process of falling into a crisis. If you lose your temper, you will easily be swept further away in the crisis
Data collection
Research, find out and collect a lot of relevant information to present to the press that I am clean and there is no such thing as people spreading online. To do this, you need convincing evidence and data

Actively take action
Being proactive will help you grasp the situation, avoid a passive state that easily causes confusion, rotation and not knowing how to handle it when it happens. Therefore, take the initiative to grasp the situation and the situation timely and reasonably


Communication with the media
The media can cause a crisis, but it is also an effective tool for you to deal with crisis issues, so proactively contact reporters to help justify negative things happening online.
Acknowledgment of mistakes
Learn to accept mistakes if you do. This will help you gain sympathy and help customers see your efforts to admit mistakes. No one can avoid making mistakes, so it is necessary to acknowledge mistakes to develop better in the future.
Nothing is unofficial
Do not trust anyone, because your conversation and theirs can be recorded and widely distributed so be careful in your words and actions.
>>The above sharing will give you the necessary skills when falling into a crisis. Try to handle and minimize the damage to you. When you need advice or answers, do not hesitate to contact us via hotline 0911 904 968 for free support!

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