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Rice straws are a kind of safe and environmentally friendly product. And they are considered the best solution to replace plastic straws. Here, Giaiphapdonggoi.net will send you useful information about biodegradable rice straws that protect the environment and are currently popular.

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1. What is a rice straw?

Rice straws are straws made from rice starch and tapioca flour mixed with food coloring extracted from natural ingredients such as natural vegetables, tubers, and fruits (white from flour, green from blue). leaves from green tea, black from activated charcoal, yellow from turmeric,…) and so they have many different colors. This is one of the alternatives to plastic straws. Because plastic straws contain chemical components (substances such as BPA, DEHP, phthalates, etc.) prostate, infertility...

Rice straws need to have a standard formula to have good durability, not to break without the use of chemicals. Rice straws have the main ingredient of 80% rice flour, the remaining 20% are tapioca starch and food coloring of natural origin. Rice straws are edible because they have been treated for microorganisms and mold. But anyway, they are produced with the main function of drinking water, so using them to eat is definitely not a delicious and attractive dish.

The highlight of the rice straw is its 18-month shelf life in a normal environment and does not affect the taste of the drink, remaining in shape in cold water for up to 180 minutes.

2. Origin of rice straws

Rice straws are produced from rice flour in the Mekong Delta - the largest rice producing region in Vietnam. Going through a process of many stages after having the main ingredient is rice flour: mixing flour, steaming flour, pellets and shaping from there to create a rice straw product.

The "golden era" of plastic in the past few decades has left a lot of serious consequences for the ecosystem and people. Every year, up to 8 billion plastic straws are thrown into the environment. Their most obvious consequence is the serious environmental pollution of land, water, air, etc. that humans as well as the ecosystem are suffering.

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Vietnam has the advantage of being the second rice exporting country in the world and having a wet rice civilization. People have made great efforts to find, research and produce biodegradable rice straws to protect the environment. Their introduction created a huge hit in the market. Thanks to its outstanding advantages compared to other products, the rice tube has attracted the attention and love of consumers.

Rice straws have been exported to many markets around the world such as Korea, Japan, Europe, Taiwan, USA, etc. Products are supplied to restaurants, hotels, coffee chains,... in Vietnam. Male. This is a kind of product that protects the environment as well as public health. Replacing plastic straws with rice straws is really a very useful thing for people and the environment.

3. Characteristics of rice straws

100% natural ingredients, help protect the health of users, completely environmentally friendly.

Remains the original shape for more than 2 hours of use in the water environment and does not affect the taste of the drink. Rice straws can be used with both hot and cold drinks.

Rice straws can be eaten, but the manufacturer does not encourage people to try.

Shelf life within 18 months at room temperature.

The straws decompose rapidly in the environment within 90 days of use.

4. How to preserve rice straws

Perhaps you still have many doubts about how to properly store rice straws. The preservation of straws made from rice flour is extremely simple, which is to store it in a cool, dry place, to avoid insects, flies, mosquitoes, etc. The storage period of rice straws is 18 months, the shelf life lasts 3 years from the date of manufacture printed on the package.

Above is some information about rice straws that Giaiphapdonggoi.net wants to send to you. With these information, hopefully you will gain useful knowledge about this particular type of straw. Good luck!

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