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Supervisor is an English term used to refer to a supervisor. They are the people who assist the manager in monitoring, tracking and coordinating the activities that take place within his or her jurisdiction. It can be said that they are one of the effective assistants of managers. So what is a Supervisor? Responsibilities and what does it take to become a supervisor? Let's find out with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is a Supervisor?

Supervisor là gì?
What is a supervisor?

Supervisor has an important role in plant management. Supervision means supervision of subordinates working at the factory level. The supervisor is part of the management team and he holds the post of appointing the first line managers. He is a person who has to perform many functions that help achieve productivity. Therefore, the supervisor can be called the sole manager with an important role at the execution level. There are some philosophers who call supervisors workers. There are several more philosophers who call them managers. But actually he should be called manager or executive manager. His main job is to manage workers at the executive management level.

2. Responsibilities of Supervisors

Supervisors take on a number of roles in the workplace. They are essential in effectively managing a team and building a positive team environment, but the specifics of these tasks can vary from company to company.

Responsibilities of Supervisors

A supervisor's responsibilities typically include:

Workflow management

One of the supervisor's most important responsibilities is managing a team. Typically, supervisors create and oversee their team's workflow or the tasks needed to get the job done. Supervisors must define goals, communicate goals, and monitor team performance.

New employee training

When a new employee joins the team, their supervisor should help them understand their role and support them in the transition. This may include providing workplace orientation and explaining company policies or job duties. Supervisors can manage all referral activities, or they can work with human resources to ensure that new hires receive the guidance and information they need.

Create and manage team schedules

In some cases, organizations already set hours for their entire workforce, and supervisors won't need to adjust them. However, when team members work in shifts, the supervisor is usually responsible for creating the schedule.

For example, if you're the supervisor of a restaurant's wait staff, you'll want to make sure you have an appropriate number of servers scheduled for each shift. This often means scheduling more people during the busiest times of the day and balancing shifts so employees don't feel overworked. Managing employee schedules also means being flexible and prepared for when employees need to change, such as asking for a day off, making sick calls, or handling a family emergency. .

Reporting to HR and senior management

As a supervisor, you are typically responsible for reporting team and individual performance to human resources and senior management. You may need to evaluate each member of your team and document employee punctuality, performance against goals, professionalism, disciplinary issues, compliance with company policies, and more. so again. You may also be required to develop and manage performance improvement plans.

Evaluate performance and provide feedback

Supervisors are often tasked with developing or implementing employee feedback and recognition programs. This responsibility may include setting employee and team goals and choosing appropriate rewards for achievements. For example, if a salesperson exceeds their monthly quota, they may be eligible for a bonus. This time should also be used to provide positive and constructive feedback.

Identify and apply career advancement opportunities

Because supervisors work closely with employees, they often help decide who qualifies for a promotion. In some cases, supervisors may directly award promotions. However, even if a supervisor does not have the authority to directly promote an employee, senior management professionals often consult a supervisor during the promotion process.


If an employee complains that another employee or member of management has violated company policies, a supervisor will likely need to report the matter to human resources for investigation. In the case of minor disagreements between employees, a supervisor can mediate and help both parties come to a resolution.

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3. What does it take to become a supervisor?

Để trở thành giám sát viên cần những gì?
What does it take to become a supervisor?

In many cases, companies promote individuals from non-manager roles after they have demonstrated their ability to lead others well. When deciding who to advance to a supervisory role, companies typically look for employees who demonstrate the following:

Excellent communication skills
Expertise in a team or department
Ability to stay calm under pressure
Be sure to follow company policies
Strong work spirit
Punctuality and time management skills
Professionalism and positive attitude
Organizational ability
Interested in leadership opportunities
To increase your chances of being promoted to a supervisory role, it is important to focus on developing the necessary skills and expertise. Consider attending relevant seminars, conferences, seminars, and online classes or pursuing an advanced degree or certificate.

Most importantly, be professional and set an example for others by taking the initiative to take on difficult tasks. When the opportunity arises, let your manager know that you are interested in their consideration.

And if you do such things, the way to a higher position will not be far away for you. To become a good Controller is not difficult but also not easy, this requires your own efforts as well as passion in the work. Good luck on your career path!

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