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We are living in the age of technology, the era of robots, surely AI is a phrase that has become too popular and familiar to us, right? So what do you know about AI? Have you really applied AI in your life? Let's learn about what is AI technology? Join Giaiphapdonggoi.net through the article below!

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1. What is AI technology?

Artificial intelligence (AI) - Artificial intelligence is a large part of computer science that is concerned with the construction of machine-intelligence devices capable of performing tasks that normally require a person's intelligent mind. People.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. AI titles claim that the field is the study of "intelligent agents"

Ai được chia làm mấy loại

What are the uses of AI?

Today, AI is ubiquitous, used to recommend what you should buy, to understand what you say to virtual assistants, such as Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri, to recognize who and what. in pictures, spam detection or credit card fraud spam detection.

2. AI is divided into how many types? What is that?

Reactive AI technology.(Reactive Machine)
Limited memory
Theory of mind

3. How have people applied AI technology to life?

-In traffic

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is operated in vehicles. It can be said that AI contributes significantly, bringing high economic benefits by reducing costs and minimizing accidents and risks affecting life.

- In the medical field

In this area, we can see this application is AI applications such as chatbots, a computer program used online to answer questions and provide customer support, to help schedule appointments. or track and assist patients in the billing process and provide virtual health assistance, providing basic medical feedback.

- In the field of education

AI can automatically grade, giving teachers more time. Evaluate students and students and meet their needs, helping them work at their own pace.

Con người đã sử dụng ai trong đời sống như thế nào

- In finance

AI in applications is quite widespread in the field of personal finance. Applications such as personal data mining and financial advisory help. Programs like IBM Watson, have been applied to the home buying process.

- In the law

Used to answer questions about laws and regulations of the state quickly, accurately and intelligently.

- In production

This is one area where robotics can be incorporated into the workflow. Humans can assign tasks to Robots to do heavy or dangerous jobs.

4. Unanswered questions about AI?

In what aspects is artificial intelligence applied by humans?
With the development mentioned above, it is widely applied: mental health care, business, education sector, finance - banking, law, manufacturing, and even in security .

What can AI do?

At the present time, AI is applied by humans in many products and services such as smartphones, listening and speaking devices.

What are the disadvantages of AI?

Any problem or device has two sides: good and bad, AI is no exception. Expensive costs, lack of flexibility, creativity like humans and especially the ability to lead to unemployment for countless workers when AI becomes advanced.

Which functions on phones contain AI apps?
Currently, smartphones are equipped with many outstanding features and are supported by Artificial Intelligence - AI, such as Google Translate, virtual assistants: Google Assistant, Siri, Bixby, etc.

The above article has helped you answer how many questions you have about AI. It's great that we have provided you with a lot of useful knowledge. There will be a lot of knowledge to help you improve your understanding of technology and machines. Please look forward to the next articles of  Giaiphapdonggoi.net?

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