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For those who work in Marketing, or in fields related to communication and PR, they must know a lot of familiar specialized words, such as from Agency. This word only appears in a few specific fields, so many people when hearing about, or reading in magazines, books, will not know the meaning of the word Agency. The following article Giaiphapdonggoi.net will help you understand what is the word Agency?

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1. What is an agency?

Agency là gì?
What is an agency?

Agency, if translated according to the English dictionary, is understood in many ways to mean an organization or government agency or is used as a gerund phrase in English sentences but is rarely used.

Simply put, companies that specialize in providing advertising, communication and marketing services to other companies are known as agencies.

In other words, the agency company is like an external "marketing department" of the business and the two parties are linked by contract. The objectives, tasks and results will be clearly stated in this contract.

In this day and age, to promote their products professionally and effectively, businesses will often hire an agency to carry out marketing and advertising activities.

2. Agency's role in the marketing industry

In fact, companies can run their own advertising campaigns. However, not all businesses have enough finance and human resources to perform in a methodical, professional and effective manner. Therefore, hiring an agency will help businesses save costs and personnel with the ultimate aim of increasing revenue.

Vai trò của Agency trong ngành marketing

The role of the agency in the marketing industry

Agency helps your business develop brand

With expertise in marketing, agency companies have the potential to serve to promote brands for businesses. Agencies will provide diverse resources in many areas such as web design, running google, facebook ads, SEO development for search engine optimization.

Besides, on the mass media such as newspapers, television... agencies also have many relationships. Therefore, they can help businesses develop their brands methodically on all platforms.

Professional advertising planning and execution

Because they have a team of specialized in market and product analysis, agency companies can come up with marketing plans from general to detailed. They will plan and execute advertising more professionally than businesses tinkering with themselves.

From there, it can be seen that the agency's role in marketing is very important for every company. Starting from the successful promotion of the business, sales will also increase, contributing to the development of the business.

Come up with new ideas, update the trend of the times

With a large and experienced marketing staff, agency companies always prioritize optimal PR and marketing solutions for businesses.

New ideas, in line with the trends and trends of young people will also be updated regularly. This helps to advertise brands and products closer and easily create an impression in the hearts of customers.

Agency helps to reduce cumbersome paperwork

Managing documents, money, credit cards for international payments, explaining to tax authorities... these cumbersome procedures will be managed by the agency. And of course, for businesses, this makes a lot of sense, helping them not to waste time on side things.

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3. Job positions in Agency company

Những vị trí công việc trong công ty Agency
Job positions in Agency company

Copywriter: They are considered as contributors of ideas, words and writing advertising content such as titles, slogans, taglines, catalogs, etc. They are considered as those who cut words and select words to describe products. and services in the most attractive way to attract viewers.
Designer: is the person who designs the final products for print and publication. And they are also considered to be the ones who transform the copywriter's content into images, arrange the layout to catch the eye and express the message in a very impressive and unique way.
Photographer: A photographer is someone who takes pictures for a designer to use in illustrating images in advertising.
Film Director: is the director who directly directs the filming of TVC commercials for clients.
Media Planners: They are the creators of media plans to help clients achieve their advertising goals. Main roles: analyze target customers, learn about market trends and understand consumer motivations…
Media Buyers / Booking: A person who does media work and contacts the press, radio and television channels, negotiates with the owner. With the main task is to negotiate on price and location to ensure the best value.
Account Excutive (Junior): They are the intermediary between the Agency and their clients. The main job of Account Excutive is to build

Good relationship with customers, arrange appointments between Agency and customers, calculate prices for projects when cooperating with Customers, check finished products before delivering to customers.
Account Manager: They are the person that along with the Copywriter and Art Director positions go to meet the client, receive the request from the client and send the request back to the other members.
Hope this article will help you and help you understand what an agency is. Think about what position you would fit in the agency company. Good luck!

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