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Big data is the ocean of information that we swim in every day - huge zettabytes of data flowing from our computers, mobile devices, and machine sensors. This data is used by organizations to make decisions, improve processes and policies, and create customer-centric products, services and experiences. Let's find out about Big Data with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is Big Data?

What is Big Data? That is a good question. There seem to be so many definitions for big data as there are businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and individuals who want to benefit from it.

What is Big Data?

A common understanding of big data refers to extremely large data sets. A report by the National Institute of Standards and Technology defined big data as “expanding data sets – primarily about characteristics of mass, velocity, and/or variability (volume, velocity, and/or variability) - requires a scalable architecture for efficient storage, manipulation, and analysis. Some have defined big data as the amount of data that exceeds one petabyte - one million gigabytes.

Another definition for big data is the exponential increase and availability of data in our world.

This data comes from a multitude of sources: smartphones and social media posts; sensors, such as traffic signals and utility meters; point of sale terminals; consumer wearables such as fit gauges; electronic health records; and continue.

Lurking deep within this data lies a tremendous opportunity for organizations with the talent and technology to turn their vast troves of data into actionable insights, improving decision-making and profitability. competitive position.

By harnessing the power of big data, healthcare systems can identify patients at risk and intervene earlier. Police departments can predict crime and stop it before it even begins. Retailers can better forecast inventory levels to optimize supply chain efficiency. The possibilities are endless.

Big data is defined as “big” not only because of its volume but also because of its diverse and complex nature. Often, it exceeds the capture, management, and processing capabilities of traditional databases. And, Big data can come from anywhere or anything on earth that we can monitor digitally. Weather satellites, Internet of Things (IoT), traffic cameras, social media trends – these are just a few of the data sources that are being harnessed and analyzed to make businesses more agile and competitive.

The real value of Big data is measured by how well you can analyze and understand it. Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and modern database technologies enable Big data analysis and visualization to provide useful insights - in real time. Big data analytics helps companies put their data to work - to recognize new opportunities and build business models.

2. Types of Big Data

Data sets are typically classified into three categories based on its structure and how simple (or not) it is to index.

Types of Big Data

Structured data
This type of data is the easiest to organize and search. It can include things like financial data, machine logs, and demographic details. An Excel spreadsheet, with a predefined layout of columns and rows, is a great way to visualize structured data. Its components are easily categorized, allowing database designers and administrators to define simple algorithms for search and analysis. Even if structured data exists in huge volumes, that data does not necessarily qualify as Big Data because structured data is relatively simple to manage and therefore does not meet the criteria. deterministic criteria of Big Data. Traditionally, databases use a programming language known as Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage structured data.

Unstructured Data
This type of data can include things like social media posts, audio files, images, and open customer comments. This type of data cannot be easily collected in a standard row-column relational database. Traditionally, companies looking to find, manage, or analyze large amounts of unstructured data had to resort to costly manual processes. There was never any question about the potential value of analyzing and understanding such data, but the cost of doing so is often too exorbitant to make it worthwhile. In terms of time, results are often outdated before they are distributed. Instead of spreadsheets or relational databases, unstructured data is often stored in data lakes, data warehouses, and NoSQL databases.

Semi-structured data
As it sounds, semi-structured data is a combination of data

u have structured and unstructured data. Email messages are a good example because they include unstructured data in the message body, as well as more organizational attributes such as sender, recipient, subject, and date. Devices that use geotagging, time stamps, or semantic tags can also provide structured data along with unstructured content. For example, an unidentified smartphone image can still tell you that it is a selfie, and when and where it was taken. A modern database running AI technology can not only instantly identify different types of data, but also generate real-time algorithms for efficient management and analysis of data sets. whether different is relevant.

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3. Five Vs define Big Data

Just because a data set is large, it doesn't have to be Big Data. To qualify as such, data must have at least the following five characteristics:

Five Vs define Big Data

Volume: While volume is not the only component that makes Big Data “big,” it is certainly a key feature. For comprehensive management and use of Big Data, advanced algorithms and AI-based analytics are required. But before any of that could happen, a secure and reliable means of storing, organizing, and retrieving the many terabytes of data held by large companies was needed.
Velocity: In the past, any data subsequently generated had to be entered into a traditional database system - often manually - before it could be analyzed or retrieved. export. Today, Big Data technology allows databases to process, analyze, and configure data while it is being generated - sometimes within milliseconds. For businesses, that means real-time data that can be used to capture financial opportunities, meet customer needs, prevent fraud and address any activity. other where speed is very important.
Variety: A data set consisting only of structured data is not necessarily Big Data, no matter how large they may be. Big Data usually includes combinations of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. Traditional databases and data management solutions lack the flexibility and scope to manage the discrete, complex data sets that make up Big Data.
Veracity (authenticity): While modern database technology makes it possible for companies to accumulate and understand incredible amounts and types of Big Data, it's only valuable if it's accurate, relevant. appropriate and timely. For traditional databases that are only fed with structured data, syntax errors and typos are common culprits when it comes to data accuracy. With unstructured data comes a whole new set of challenges in terms of authenticity. Human bias, social noise, and data origin issues can all affect the quality of data.
Value: Undoubtedly, the results obtained from Big Data analysis are often very attractive and surprising. But for businesses, Big Data analytics must provide insights that can help businesses become more competitive and agile - while serving their customers better. Modern Big Data technologies open up the possibility of data collection and retrieval that can deliver measurable benefits for both operational profitability and resilience.

4. Benefits of Big Data

Modern Big Data management solutions enable companies to turn raw data into relevant insights - with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

Benefits of Big Data

Develop products and services: Big Data analytics allows product developers to analyze unstructured data, such as customer reviews and cultural trends, and respond quickly.
Predictive Maintenance: In an international survey, McKinsey found that analyzing Big Data from IoT-enabled machines reduces equipment maintenance costs by up to 40%.
Customer Experience: In a 2020 survey of global business leaders, Gartner determined that “growing companies are more actively collecting customer experience data than non-growing companies.” ". Big Data analytics enables businesses to improve and personalize the customer experience with their brand.
Resilience and risk management: The COVID-19 pandemic is a profound wake-up call for many business leaders as they realize how easily their operations can be disrupted. Big Data insights can help companies anticipate risks and prepare for the unexpected.
Cost savings and greater efficiency: When businesses apply advanced Big Data analytics across all processes in their organization, they can not only uncover inefficiencies, but also deploy the

u have structured and unstructured data. Email messages are a good example because they include unstructured data in the message body, as well as more organizational attributes such as sender, recipient, subject, and date. Devices that use geotagging, time stamps, or semantic tags can also provide structured data along with unstructured content. For example, an unidentified smartphone image can still tell you that it is a selfie, and when and where it was taken. A modern database running AI technology can not only instantly identify different types of data, but also generate real-time algorithms for efficient management and analysis of data sets. whether different is relevant.

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3. Five Vs define Big Data

Just because a data set is large, it doesn't have to be Big Data. To qualify as such, data must have at least the following five characteristics:

Five Vs define Big Data

Volume: While volume is not the only component that makes Big Data “big,” it is certainly a key feature. For comprehensive management and use of Big Data, advanced algorithms and AI-based analytics are required. But before any of that could happen, a secure and reliable means of storing, organizing, and retrieving the many terabytes of data held by large companies was needed.
Velocity: In the past, any data subsequently generated had to be entered into a traditional database system - often manually - before it could be analyzed or retrieved. export. Today, Big Data technology allows databases to process, analyze, and configure data while it is being generated - sometimes within milliseconds. For businesses, that means real-time data that can be used to capture financial opportunities, meet customer needs, prevent fraud and address any activity. other where speed is very important.
Variety: A data set consisting only of structured data is not necessarily Big Data, no matter how large they may be. Big Data usually includes combinations of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. Traditional databases and data management solutions lack the flexibility and scope to manage the discrete, complex data sets that make up Big Data.
Veracity (authenticity): While modern database technology makes it possible for companies to accumulate and understand incredible amounts and types of Big Data, it's only valuable if it's accurate, relevant. appropriate and timely. For traditional databases that are only fed with structured data, syntax errors and typos are common culprits when it comes to data accuracy. With unstructured data comes a whole new set of challenges in terms of authenticity. Human bias, social noise, and data origin issues can all affect the quality of data.
Value: Undoubtedly, the results obtained from Big Data analysis are often very attractive and surprising. But for businesses, Big Data analytics must provide insights that can help businesses become more competitive and agile - while serving their customers better. Modern Big Data technologies open up the possibility of data collection and retrieval that can deliver measurable benefits for both operational profitability and resilience.

4. Benefits of Big Data

Modern Big Data management solutions enable companies to turn raw data into relevant insights - with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

Benefits of Big Data

Develop products and services: Big Data analytics allows product developers to analyze unstructured data, such as customer reviews and cultural trends, and respond quickly.
Predictive Maintenance: In an international survey, McKinsey found that analyzing Big Data from IoT-enabled machines reduces equipment maintenance costs by up to 40%.
Customer Experience: In a 2020 survey of global business leaders, Gartner determined that “growing companies are more actively collecting customer experience data than non-growing companies.” ". Big Data analytics enables businesses to improve and personalize the customer experience with their brand.
Resilience and risk management: The COVID-19 pandemic is a profound wake-up call for many business leaders as they realize how easily their operations can be disrupted. Big Data insights can help companies anticipate risks and prepare for the unexpected.
Cost savings and greater efficiency: When businesses apply advanced Big Data analytics across all processes in their organization, they can not only uncover inefficiencies, but also deploy the

u have structured and unstructured data. Email messages are a good example because they include unstructured data in the message body, as well as more organizational attributes such as sender, recipient, subject, and date. Devices that use geotagging, time stamps, or semantic tags can also provide structured data along with unstructured content. For example, an unidentified smartphone image can still tell you that it is a selfie, and when and where it was taken. A modern database running AI technology can not only instantly identify different types of data, but also generate real-time algorithms for efficient management and analysis of data sets. whether different is relevant.

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3. Five Vs define Big Data

Just because a data set is large, it doesn't have to be Big Data. To qualify as such, data must have at least the following five characteristics:

Five Vs define Big Data

Volume: While volume is not the only component that makes Big Data “big,” it is certainly a key feature. For comprehensive management and use of Big Data, advanced algorithms and AI-based analytics are required. But before any of that could happen, a secure and reliable means of storing, organizing, and retrieving the many terabytes of data held by large companies was needed.
Velocity: In the past, any data subsequently generated had to be entered into a traditional database system - often manually - before it could be analyzed or retrieved. export. Today, Big Data technology allows databases to process, analyze, and configure data while it is being generated - sometimes within milliseconds. For businesses, that means real-time data that can be used to capture financial opportunities, meet customer needs, prevent fraud and address any activity. other where speed is very important.
Variety: A data set consisting only of structured data is not necessarily Big Data, no matter how large they may be. Big Data usually includes combinations of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. Traditional databases and data management solutions lack the flexibility and scope to manage the discrete, complex data sets that make up Big Data.
Veracity (authenticity): While modern database technology makes it possible for companies to accumulate and understand incredible amounts and types of Big Data, it's only valuable if it's accurate, relevant. appropriate and timely. For traditional databases that are only fed with structured data, syntax errors and typos are common culprits when it comes to data accuracy. With unstructured data comes a whole new set of challenges in terms of authenticity. Human bias, social noise, and data origin issues can all affect the quality of data.
Value: Undoubtedly, the results obtained from Big Data analysis are often very attractive and surprising. But for businesses, Big Data analytics must provide insights that can help businesses become more competitive and agile - while serving their customers better. Modern Big Data technologies open up the possibility of data collection and retrieval that can deliver measurable benefits for both operational profitability and resilience.

4. Benefits of Big Data

Modern Big Data management solutions enable companies to turn raw data into relevant insights - with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

Benefits of Big Data

Develop products and services: Big Data analytics allows product developers to analyze unstructured data, such as customer reviews and cultural trends, and respond quickly.
Predictive Maintenance: In an international survey, McKinsey found that analyzing Big Data from IoT-enabled machines reduces equipment maintenance costs by up to 40%.
Customer Experience: In a 2020 survey of global business leaders, Gartner determined that “growing companies are more actively collecting customer experience data than non-growing companies.” ". Big Data analytics enables businesses to improve and personalize the customer experience with their brand.
Resilience and risk management: The COVID-19 pandemic is a profound wake-up call for many business leaders as they realize how easily their operations can be disrupted. Big Data insights can help companies anticipate risks and prepare for the unexpected.
Cost savings and greater efficiency: When businesses apply advanced Big Data analytics across all processes in their organization, they can not only uncover inefficiencies, but also deploy the

Quick and effective solution.
Improve competitiveness: Insights gathered from Big Data can help companies save money, delight customers, create better products, and innovate their businesses.
In short, Big Data is the challenge posed to organizations and businesses in the current digital age. Once they master Big Data, they will have a greater chance of success in today's competitive landscape. The world will benefit more from extracting more accurate, useful information at a lower cost.

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