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In the marketing industry, always having to brainstorm to come up with new ideas is an extremely challenging but also very interesting thing. However, not all brainstorming sessions bring positive results for individuals and businesses. Let's join Giaiphapdonggoi.net to find out what brainstorm is? How to use brainstorm to brainstorm great ideas through the article below.

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1. What is Brainstorm?

Brainstorming is one of the most creative problem solving ways we work on ideas. We can come up with a new idea or build on an existing one. Since there is no universal rule in brainstorming, it can be applied individually or in a group.

What is Brainstorm?

First, a goal is defined to understand what the main purpose of Brainstorm is.
When we have an end goal to achieve or a problem to solve, many accompanying challenges are discovered.
Furthermore, different aspects of the problem or situation are explored and we list ways to overcome the challenge.
There is no structure in Brainstorm, and no idea is considered wrong. All ideas are captured in brainstorming sessions, and some ideas can even be brought together.
Consider that you need to make a marketing plan for your brand. First, you will define its goals and the brand's vision. Then you'll work on other things like promotional strategy, customer mindset, pricing, and what your competitors are doing. After taking all this into consideration, you can come up with a new and exciting marketing plan.

2. Main purpose and benefits of Brainstorm

Now that you know what Brainstorm means, let's dive in a bit and understand the main purpose of Brainstorming. The goal of Brainstorm is to come up with new ideas without criticizing any thoughts. This is what you can achieve with Brainstorm.

The main purpose and benefits of Brainstorm

Its main purpose is to solve a problem creatively or innovatively.
Brainstorm also emphasizes on improving our ideation process and enhancing the creative thinking of individuals.
One of the main goals of Brainstorm is to stave off criticism and welcome all kinds of ideas to the table.
Linking ideas is another goal of Brainstorm because it encourages us to club ideas or work on existing ideas.
Ultimately, it believes in taking a whole new look at a problem that can introduce a lot of new ideas to that problem.
Here are some of the significant benefits of Brainstorm that have made it so popular and well known.

It helps us to break the monotonous problem solving and give a new perspective to the same situation.
Since brainstorming works in all ways, it focuses on different ideas to come up with an overall solution.
Students are often taught to Brainstorm, and it encourages self-study and better understanding.
It is also an extremely useful tool for improving teamwork and for getting the idea of a whole team together.
When it comes to list building or overcoming deadlocks, Brainstorm helps a lot by getting input from a team.
Since there is no right or wrong rule in Brainstorm, people from different fields can do it without any technical problems.

3. The best way to use Brainstorm

The best way to use Brainstorm

Brainstorming is part of design thinking. You use it in the idea stage. It is extremely popular among design teams because they are scalable in all directions. While teams have rules and a facilitator to keep them on track, they are free to use outside and outside thinking to find the most effective solutions to any given problem. which plan. By brainstorming, they can take a variety of approaches - as many as possible - instead of just exploring the usual vehicles and encountering the obstacles involved. When teams work in a non-judgmental atmosphere to work out the real sides of a problem, they're more likely to come up with raw answers that they'll refine into possible solutions. after that.

Brainstorm doesn't seem to have many constraints, but everyone must follow the eight general rules and have someone act as a facilitator.

Set a time limit - Depending on the complexity of the problem, 15–60 minutes is normal.
Start with a problem/goal summary - Members should approach this well-defined question, plan or goal and continue the topic.
Avoid Judgment/Criticism - No one should be negative (even through body language) of any idea.
Encourage novel and creative ideas - In addition to banning clusters

killer words like “too expensive,” keep people free to express ideas (as long as they have a theme).
Aim for quantity - Remember, "quantity creates quality". Screening and grading will follow.
Build on other people's ideas - It's an associative process where members expand on others' concepts and gain new insights, allowing these ideas to work on their own . Say “and”—other than discouraging “but”—to get ideas closer to the point.
Stay Intuitive - Diagrams and Post-production help bring ideas to life and help others see things in different ways.
Allow one conversation at a time - To get to concrete results, it is essential to continue following this way and to show respect for everyone's ideas.
To capture everyone's ideas during a Brainstorm session, someone must act as a "note-taker" and mark every idea on the board. Also, write down your own ideas as they come up and share these with the group. Often, design problems require mixed tactics: brainstorming and its sibling - braindumping (for individuals), and brainwriting and brainwalking (for mixed groups and individuals).

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4. How Do You Brainstorm Effectively?

Effective brainstorming requires preparation. In addition to following our guidelines for the right time and space for your session, you must also know how to guide yourself or your team throughout the process.

How Do You Brainstorm Effectively?

Here are four steps you can take to make your individual or group brainstorming session as effective and productive as possible.

Step 1: Prepare the group

Even if you are working alone, you need to prepare yourself to brainstorm. Pick a place to storm in, let others know about your plan if you're working in a team, and explain what brainstorming is if others don't.

The idea here is to put people in the right frame of mind. This is not moving forward on a project or achieving a specific goal. You are just producing, discarding and converging ideas. That's the whole problem.

Step 2: Present the problem

Your next job is to make sure everyone is in the right frame of mind for brainstorming. Explain the problem that you hope to fix to everyone on the same page.

The goal here is to make sure that everyone is working towards a common solution. You don't want conversations or ideas to spread vertically.

As mentioned above, wild ideas are welcome, but those myths need to be grounded in the goal you're pursuing.

Your job is to make sure everyone understands the problem you're trying to solve. You can prepare the team by explaining what has and hasn't worked in the past and by letting everyone know that each team member has a say.

You may even want to write the brainstorming rules in a place where everyone can see them. That way, everyone knows how to behave during the brainstorming session.

Step 3: Discussion Guide

Once you've outlined the problem, begin the brainstorming session by asking each group member to present an idea. You don't expect to create this solution in this first round, but the goal is to get people talking and sharing.

Once the brainstorming session begins, it's your job to keep the conversation on track and remind everyone of the rules. Although brainstorming is a relatively informal process, it will still yield effective results if people stay focused and shared with their minds.

Step 4: Take action

At some point, the brainstorming session has to end. You need to decide which ideas are valid and move forward with the solution.

For example, maybe you've figured out how to solve a marketing problem, or maybe you've come up with your next online product. Regardless of the topic of the brainstorming session, it needs to end with action.

Brainstorm isn't just for high school students who need to write research papers. It's an extremely effective technique for Knowledge Trade professionals who want to take their business in exciting new directions. Try several Brainstorming techniques until you find the one that works best for you and/or your team.

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