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What is Capital Investment (invested capital) is one of the most searched keywords on google about what is Capital Investment. In this article, let's join Giaiphapdonggoi.net to learn about what is Capital Investment? Objectives and disadvantages of Capital Investment offline!

1. What is Capital Investment?

Capital investment is an amount of money intended to further enhance the goals of the business or towards the purchase of long-term assets for the business.

Capital Investment là gì?

What is Capital Investment?

Technically, there are two different ways that the term 'capital investment' is used in a business context. The first refers to the funds put in to help the business achieve its goals. The second refers to funds used to purchase fixed assets for the business, not for day-to-day operations.

In either case, an investment usually consists of a lump sum that is used for the growth of the company.

Capital investment is an investment made by both shareholders and founders in a company. When a company needs capital to expand, it can be obtained by selling stock or issuing bonds. Shareholders are people who have bought shares of a company and voters are people who have bought bonds.

2. Source of Capital Investment

Because the term can be used to describe two different concepts in business, we'll look at where capital investment can originate in both cases:

Nguồn Capital Investment

Source of Capital Investment

Financial capital investment
Capital investment usually involves a large amount of money being invested in a business, whether before the establishment of the business or throughout its life, especially in the case of businesses that are heavily dependent on capital to operate. continuously (not daily).

Often, an equity investment is linked to sources such as venture capital firms, or even private backers such as business angels. This can certainly happen when an entrepreneur draws attention to a particularly winning idea with a strong business plan.

However, capital can also come from traditional sources such as bank loans, however, securing the necessary capital for a business can be challenging. Often, some form of mortgage is required, which can be risky.

Investing in physical capital
In other cases, capital investments are made in the form of long-term asset purchases with the aim of providing growth for the business over time. In this situation, the buying decision is usually made by the company's management.

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3. Goal of Capital Investment

Ultimately, Capital Investment in both forms is used to improve the current expected growth of a business. This has had the express purpose of creating a business that is more productive and generates more revenue.

Mục tiêu của Capital Investment

Goal of Capital Investment

While this may seem obvious, there are additional ways in which a capital investment can benefit not only the business concerned but also the local economy, as well as management and staff. tablets:

Economic benefits: Certainly, the addition of investment capital in the form of funds will create a clear financial boost for the business. When this happens, for example, it can aid in improving production efficiency, which in turn potentially contributes to the economy as well.
Job opportunities: Increased production can lead to the option of hiring more employees, providing jobs.
Wealth Creation: A capital investment aimed at a business that can then be used to grow the business and increase revenue. This means better earnings for both management and employees as well as potential for shareholders and opens up future investment opportunities.
Increased competition in the market: When a business is faced with a certain level of competition in the market for a product or service, it causes the business to improve its service, which is profitable. beneficial to customers.
These are just some of the key benefits to be derived from the successful use of capital investment.

4. Disadvantages of Capital Investment

While capital investment may seem like an easy and guaranteed way to improve a business, there are potential downsides associated with both scenarios.

Nhược điểm của Capital Investment

Disadvantages of Capital Investment

High stress: When capital investment is added to a business or made on an asset, this puts additional pressure on management to ensure that this will benefit the business.
High Risk: The stress that comes from the pressure to achieve success through capital investment is based primarily on the fact that businesses tend to take on fairly high risks. There is a possibility of failure, not only in the part of the investment that serves its purpose, but

in the entire business.
High Visibility: When a business borrows capital to invest capital or receive capital, this causes banks/investors to increase their attention to the business and can impact the effective operation.
Through this article, you probably already know what "Capital Investment" means, right? Thank you for following the article about "Capital Investment" by Giaiphapdonggoi.net to share! Good luck!

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