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Concept is often mentioned in activities today, Concept is likened to an invisible "magnet" that helps businesses attract the attention of customers. Concept is also a popular term in marketing. So what is Concept? The process to design the most standard Concept. Let's find out with Giaiphapdonggoi.net through the following article!

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1. What is the concept?

The term Concept has become familiar in many areas of human life. The word Concept in English is understood as a point of view, a concept. Depending on a certain field, the function and meaning of the Concept will change.

Concept là gì?

What is concept?

In each field, Concept has a different characteristic. For the hospitality industry, concept means style model, photography concept means model, composition, style or content of that photo shoot, entertainment industry means concept idea design ideas, about the program stage, ideas are unique event ideas throughout the program such as: decoration style, gift ideas, design ideas, business ideas.

In Marketing campaigns, Concept is an element that creates unity and goals for the promotion program of the business. A standard Concept is like touching the needs of investors. Moreover, Concept is also the backbone to create solid campaigns for businesses towards potential customers. Thus, Concept represents inclusiveness and a concept can include many ideas. Therefore, the Concept needs to be formed in advance for your idea to be useful in implementing the core values of the business.

2. Meaning of Concept in popular fields of life

Understanding what Concept is, we will see that each concept area has a separate meaning. Concept doesn't just mean to outline, it also means to give a point of view or idea on a certain topic, namely:

Concept in the field of entertainment: In entertainment, Concept is used to refer to creative ideas in gameshows, events, etc. The purpose of Concept when included is to create attraction and impression to touch the emotions of people. viewers. This is also the intention of the producer of the program who wants to create their own mark, a different highlight when compared to other programs, the concept will help the programs create their own qualities, avoiding duplication. boring.
Concept in the field of photography: Concept in the field of photography is to shape the style, content, context and context of that photo session so that the photos have their own personality and style but still have to exude the spirit. thai.

Ý nghĩa của Concept trong các lĩnh vực phổ biến của cuộc sống
Meaning of Concept in popular areas of life

Concept in the field of art: When applied to the field of cinema, Concept will help you create the most complete style, staging ideas as well as designing the most complete program framework. From there, the ideas will ensure continuity, create a special attraction and remain in the audience's mind about that art publication among countless other works. The use of concept for art makes the performance more lively and soulful to ensure the audience's interest in the stage ideas or design.
Concept in the field of restaurants and hotels: Concept construction is an indispensable element in the field of restaurants and hotels. The concept will help shape the space design style in a different direction, creating a certain impression, great experiences for customers. A professional, luxurious restaurant needs to be neat and clear in concept. In particular, you should avoid decorating directions that are combined from many Concepts, this will make your space confusing, unprofessional and can bring negative emotions to the viewer.
Concept in the field of equipment and machinery: In the field of equipment and machinery such as cars, phones, computers, etc. Concepts are considered as initial trial demos that the brand wants to introduce to customers. This promotional method not only creates interest and curiosity of customers but also makes them look forward to the appearance of new products.

3. The process to design the most standard Concept

Step 1: Understand customer needs
The task of designers when embarking on the implementation of any concept is to understand the tastes and needs of consumers, and at the same time collect sufficient information. Only then can you come up with a different Concept idea but still stick to the customer's criteria.

To do this step, you can investigate information through questionnaires or contact customers directly to find out and collect opinions, accurate information, documents for Concept design.

In each specific Concept design phase, you must constantly research and learn thoroughly. So this step will "take up" a lot of time

ian and effort in a project. After each specific study on each object group, the designer will make statistics and evaluate what data really brings value to the project to apply.

Quy trình để thiết kế Concept chuẩn nhất

The process to design the most standard Concept

Step 2: Process the information source
After surveying and gathering demand from consumers, it is not possible to select all or gather all these sources of information into your design. Designers need to think and compare to find a unique and different way to create a particular concept.

At this stage, the main goal of the customer is the factor you need to pay special attention to. Moreover, designers can do more research to get more materials to help create the best products.

Step 3: Understand the idea and related issues
After the information processing process, the designer should thoroughly explore the knowledge and issues surrounding the design service. These will show up directly on the project brief set by the client. At that time, you need to think through, look at the big picture and go into details to have the next plan for the communication strategy to develop this project. To ensure the consistency between the two parties, the design ideas will have to be edited many times to be most accurate and bring good effects to customers.

Before announcing the Concept, the designer should carefully prepare, carefully consider everything to communicate as well as solve the related issues. Then you have to define the right target audience. Don't forget to predict their reaction after seeing your design!

Step 4: The creative process
Creativity is considered an extremely important "treasure" of a designer. In this step, the designer will "do his best" to unleash his creativity but still make sure to follow the original agreement with the customer, expressing the right design idea.

In addition, the designer needs to discuss and discuss with team members to specifically divide the job roles corresponding to each individual in the project. At this time, the team leader will lead and receive ideas and concepts from the members when working together. Then, synthesize them into a specific copy for filtering and unification.

Step 5: “Finish” the right idea
The designers will give customers a variety of suggestions about different Concept ideas for them to choose according to their personal preferences and purposes. However, in that idea system, you need to clearly define and consider the main Concepts to choose as well as highlight the spirit of the project you are working on for the client.

In this step, the evaluation of the idea is no longer limited to the designer's personal thoughts, you need to feel from the perspective of the public and the idea can solve communication problems.

Step 6: Present your idea
After fully and carefully implementing the ideas for your Concept, next you must think of a way to express, present and explain that idea in a clear, unique way to move and convince people. hearing makes them choose that idea.

In forming ideas for design ideas, you need to prepare a Slogan compatible with the meaning of that Concept to increase persuasion for customers. Moreover, it will show professionalism, create products that are attractive and attractive to the public.

Avoid boring, monotonous presentations that are difficult to convince. You should include actual illustrations and videos, consistent with the direction of the idea you want to build for the Concept. At this point, customers will both receive images and then audio to help them have a clearer and more attractive information connection. From there, they will make an informed decision, easily captivated by the idea and decide to choose your Concept.

Step 7: Design and repair Concept
After making careful preparation steps, the designer will embark on the design process directly on the drawing board and on the computer. After that, the customer will rely on that to approve, request modification and development to be the most suitable and perfect. For this stage, the designer is not only interested in completing the main parts, but must regularly supervise and pay attention to every detail. You should monitor regularly and carefully to ensure the best finished product, avoiding unnecessary errors.

The design has been completed, you need to sit down with the design team to review and perfect it before handing it over to the customer. On the contrary, if the customer is not satisfied with some details or requests more or less, you must correct it so that the customer is satisfied with the product.

4. What is the difference between Marketing Concept and Selling Concept?

Sự khác nhau giữa Marketing Concept và Selling Concept là gì?

What is a selling concept?

Selling Concept has the goal of selling products of the business, focusing on convincing customers to buy. The focus in Selling Concept is selling the company's products to consumers without understanding the market needs and increasing sales rather than building and strengthening relationships with customers. However, Selling Concept only brings advantages to businesses in the short term, because when

Once the customer has purchased the product, they will no longer have any contact with your business.

What is the difference between Marketing Concept and Selling Concept?

What is a marketing concept?

Marketing Concept supports and overcomes the disadvantages of Selling Concept. Marketing Concept has a longer term goal than a sales concept. Marketing concepts are strategic marketing ideas, content, and forms geared toward understanding customer needs, influencing customer perception, and determining how a company can capitalize on that.

The end result of Marketing Concept is direct support, making selling easier. Marketing Concept techniques and strategies are actually based on what is needed to determine the right products, the prices for those products, and what needs to be communicated to the target customers (through advertising). to ensure successful sales. One of the most important aspects of a Marketing Concept is building a brand identity for what the company is selling, and this varies from company to company.

When a marketing concept is effectively implemented, it can also make sales easier for a company, as customers are already convinced and ready to buy when they walk into the store. your. Sales can still be successful without very effective marketing but it certainly makes the job harder.

The two most important characteristics when distinguishing Marketing concept and Selling concept

Firstly, the Sell Concept is focused on the needs of the seller while the Marketing Concept focuses on the needs of the buyer. In which, the seller's need is only to sell as many products as possible, while the buyer's need is not simply to buy goods but to meet their needs through goods and products.
Second, the Sell Concept is related to the seller's need to convert his product into cash. Marketing Concept deals with the idea of satisfying customer need with product as a solution to customer problem or need, business profit is achieved based on customer satisfaction.
Above is an article to help you understand what Concept is and its meaning in design and other fields. It can be affirmed that Concept is one of the levers that create success in the marketing strategy of the business. Hope the above article will provide you with useful knowledge at work.

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