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Supply chain speed and productivity has become an important factor of growth for organizations. Cross-docking is just one strategy that can be implemented to help gain a competitive advantage. Done appropriately and under the right conditions, cross docking can yield significant improvements in efficiency and handling time. Let's find out about Cross docking with Giaiphapdonggoi.net!

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1. What is cross docking?

What is cross docking?

Cross docking is a logistical procedure in which product from a supplier or manufacturing plant is delivered directly to a customer or retail chain with low or no handling or storage times. Cross-docking takes place in a distributed docking terminal; usually includes truck and dock doors on either side (inlet and outlet) with minimal storage space. The name 'cross docking' explains the process of receiving products through an incoming dock and then transferring them across the dock to an output dock.

In a nutshell, inbound products arrive via a transport vehicle such as a truck/trailer, and are allocated to a receiving terminal on one side of the 'crossbar' terminus. Once the domestic shipment has been docked, its product may be shipped directly or indirectly to the destination; they can be unloaded, sorted and screened to determine their final destinations. Once sorted, products are delivered to the other end of the dock' via a forklift, conveyor belt, pallet truck or another means of transport to their designated dock. Once the overseas shipping has been loaded, the product can be delivered to the customer.

2. When is cross docking used?

When is cross docking used?

Cross docking won't fit every warehouse need, so it's important to make informed decisions about whether cross-docking increases productivity, costs, and customer satisfaction. for your particular business or not. Cross-linking can boost supply chains for specific types of products. For one, items that have not been stored or are temperature controlled like food that need to be shipped as quickly as possible can benefit from this process. In addition, packed and sorted products ready to ship to a specific customer can become a faster and more efficient process through cross-connecting.

3. Some of the main reasons why cross docking is implemented

Some of the main reasons why cross docking is implemented

Provides a central page where classified and similar products are combined to be delivered to multiple destinations in the most efficient and fastest way. This process can be described as "center and speak".
Combine multiple smaller product loads into one shipping method to save on shipping costs. This process can be described as 'merge sort'.
Break up large product loads into smaller loads for shipping to make shipping easier for customers. This process can be described as “merger sort”.

4. The advantages of cross docking

The advantages of cross docking

Streamline the supply chain, from point of origin to point of sale
Reduce or eliminate storage costs
Reduce inventory holding costs by reducing inventory times
Less risk of inventory damage
Products reach distributors and customers faster
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5. Types of cross docking

Types of cross docking

Cross docking allows companies to accelerate shipments to customers, giving customers what they want, when they want it. Various types of cross soles are available to better meet the needs of distributors and customers.

Manufacturing Cross Docking - Involves the receipt of purchased and inbound products needed for production.
Distributor Cross Docking - The combination of different products into one shipment for the customer.
Transportation Cross Docking - The combination of a smaller number of cargoes into one to achieve economies of scale.
Retail Cross Docking - Receive products from multiple suppliers and combine onto delivery trucks for several retail stores.
Opportunistic Cross Docking - The transfer of a product from shipping docks directly to offshore terminals to meet known demand.
Thus, above Giaiphapdonggoi.net has provided you with content about Cross Docking. Hopefully this article will help you understand the concept of cross docking and why it is implemented into an organization's supply chain process.

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