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Collaboration happens more often than we realize. Whether it is for a work project, a creative endeavor or an everyday problem, situations arise when it is required or we seek it out ourselves. Collaboration can be defined as working together with others to achieve a common goal. This seems easy in theory, but being an effective collaborator can be challenging at times. Let's join Giaiphapdonggoi.net to find out what is CTV? Please!

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1. What is CTV?

A Contributor (CTV) is any third party that works directly with your company to assist or assist in strategy development or implementation. Some common examples of collaborators include suppliers, warehouses, and consultants.

CTV là gì?

What is CTV?

Contributors are one of the categories of 5C Analysis, a case analysis framework that takes into account all the factors that affect a company independently of itself.

It's important to know who your collaborators are, not only to understand the ways your company can expand its business, but also because any marketing you do can. affect their company or your relationship with them. For your customers, you should strive to create as much value as possible for your collaborators.

2. Types of collaborators

In general, there are four types of CTV:

Các loại cộng tác viên

Types of collaborators

Agencies: Agencies act as intermediaries and facilitators, connecting companies with others and companies with the skills they may need. The employment agency can provide the company with administrative staffing, while the marketing agency can handle all of the company's advertising needs.
Distributors: Distributors are responsible for the company's supply chain. Not only do they maintain relationships with vendors and suppliers, they also manage and facilitate the transportation of the company's products.
Partner: A partner is any individual who has a formal interest in the success of a company. While all associates can be considered partners, this group specifically refers to business partners with legal agreements.
Suppliers: Suppliers not only contribute materials to make a company's product, but when the manufacturer is considered a supplier, they can make the product itself. When identifying your company's collaborators, you also need to evaluate them for their competence and commitment. A collaborator's inability to provide the support you need can severely impact your operations, so it's best to determine the collaborator's qualifications in advance.

3. Important skills of CTV

Kỹ năng quan trọng của CTV

Important Skills of CTV
Accurate information transfer: In the age of digital workplaces, one needs to be highly successful in transferring information. It's not easy to assume that your co-workers know what you're trying to convey. It is essential to develop methods of communication to ensure that important information is not misinterpreted or completely discarded. Building a skill set that allows you to convey information with minimal loss is key to collaboration success.
A mindset for collaboration: It has long been a common adage with digital work that collaboration cannot be taught. Good partnerships need to be built as an ecosystem, and it's important to realize that you are an important part of that transformation. Collaboration requires a certain kind of open-mindedness that cares more about the team than about you. It's important to approach things with an open mind and discuss possibilities rather than challenges.
Learn to interact with technology: The future work landscape will be rife with technology that is constantly changing and evolving. In such a situation, it is important to understand how those technologies work, learn how to use them to foster collaboration. It's not enough just to know what tools you need and understand the basics of them. It is important that you have a firm grasp of these technologies and their interfaces.
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4. What makes a great CTV?

Điều gì tạo nên một CTV tuyệt vời?
What makes a great CTV?

Ask for honest feedback: Neil Blumenthal, CEO of Warby Parker said: “A good collaborator crosses the lines of both partners. He's talking about the boundaries of both achievement and, perhaps more importantly, trust. Great collaborators ask their team members to help them improve, which encourages others to do the same. As a result, mutual trust leads to greater achievement.
Give people the benefit of doubt: Cynicism - the tendency to think the worst about people - affects everyone sometimes. Unfortunately, skepticism can kill the spirit

part collaboration. Great collaborators dissolve the skepticism by giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. Instead of assuming the worst, they try to see the good in their team members and encourage everyone to clarify the motives behind their actions.
Focus on facts: When teams try to make decisions based solely on beliefs and opinions, feathers get ruffled. That's why great collaborators bring truth to the table. The truth serves as a starting point for conversations and a common ground.
Let ideas belong to the group: When you come up with an idea, you feel a part of it. However, the best collaboration occurs when teams - not individuals - take ownership of ideas and outcomes. In short, great collaborators try to keep their egos out of the idea-sharing process.
Face-to-face: There's no denying that face-to-face communication simply works better. So great collaborators avoid trying to resolve conflicts via email, opting instead for a room - be it physical or virtual - for important communication.

5. How to find collaboration opportunities

Cách tìm cơ hội cộng tác
How to find collaboration opportunities

Each company typically has a core group of collaborators to ensure their continuity, but partnering with companies outside this scope can surprise and delight existing customers, as well as attract new customer base.

Apple and Nike have worked together for more than 20 years to create Nike+, despite making different products in different industries.

Companies may also seek to collaborate on projects with meaningful impact. While every company needs to be efficient and well-run in order to survive, opportunities to add value are harder to find if a company doesn't look beyond its day-to-day operations.

If there is an overlap between your company's product and the services of a company in another industry, contact them. Not only will you learn a lot, but you may also find that you can accomplish more together than you could separate.

The best collaborators always express their sincere appreciation and thanks for all that you have done. They do their best to make sure you know it. They are not afraid to express this appreciation to the entire group and anyone else who will listen. They always offer credit when credit is due.

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